Incubator & movement in egg. - RIP Chip/Chipette


I would quickly open bator to slip a kitchen towel under him, then leave him for 3-4 hours. I would use the rubbermade tub and a 100 watt regular light bulb for 1st day, adjusting height based on how duckling is behaving. I would also have a couple of stuffed animals in there.
I think I am going to wait until he's a little more dry, the brooder is not even close to ready yet and the baby is doing better.
He is starting to stabilize his legs and he's working on standing. His head is still staying on the ground, it's probably too heavy for him right now.
Your doing great and he doesn't have to eat or drink till tomorrow at the earliest so get the brooder set up and just enjoy watching him. putting a towel under him would be a good idea for traction, you don't want splay legs after going through all of this. So excited for you.
Thanks all for the congrats :D
Alright so I finished the brooder and put a towel down along with a temperature/humidity thermometer so I can tell where the heat is.
It has a 100 watt heat lamp hanging over it into the tub.
He is in there now and moving around and being a goofy little thing.
He topples over a lot onto his back, is that a problem or is he just trying to get a hang of his feet?
Also, is it normal for ducklings newly hatched to not be able to pick their heads up very much?
He gets it up but then it's like he can stabilize his head up for that long.
Could the head tilt be a rye neck or just maybe his neck is sore from being in such a bad position in the egg?
I think by tomorrow you'll see marked improvement, it's been crammed in an egg for 28ish days so it needs time to get strength in its neck and legs. next time your out get some Save a chick or Poultry Nutri drench and add to their water so as soon as they start to drink they are getting added vits and electrolytes. Let us know how it is in the morning. Is it cuddling with a stuffed animal?
I really do hope there is marked improvement in the morning. I finished reading some threads online of ducklings with wry neck that almost sound like him. Just the neck part though. He falls on his back and thrashes his legs and stuff. He has his little teddy bear in there, it's about the same size as him. He's using the towel to keep his head up. He definitely had the crested so I'm praying for no seizures. I will be at school tomorrow from 7-2 so I'll update before and after school also. Then for the drops, is that what their called? What mineral/ingredient do I have to make sure is in there? Are those they exact names? Where can I get it? Local feed store? Department store?
Also, when should I introduce food & water?
Thanks !
X2 what Lydia said. If you cannot find poultry drench, then get polyvisol (without iron) drops at your local rite aid or walmart. 1-2 drops per 8 oz and a dash of sugar really helps get weaker ones going well. Also, keep a close eye on the 100 watt heat lamp, as it usually gets too hot for babies to be under unless it is raised really high above brooder.
I will definitely look for those things. Everything I can find !
The 100 watt is about a two feet above the duckling and the thermometer says 90 degrees.
You can find save a chick at most TSC and poultry nutri drench there too. yes thats what they are called. and if you have trouble with finding either of those then my next try would be the poly vi so with out iron as Iain stated. I wouldn't diagnose the little one with wry neck yet, but the 3 things we just suggested will help if it is, also when it starts to eat either use Brewers yeast and sprinkle on top of feed or niacin capsules or tablets crush and put into water to prevent leg and neurological issues. you could try putting his bill into some sugar water tonight or in the morning but deff by the time you get home tomorrow afternoon, it may not want to eat till the next day but doesn't hurt to offer it. Don't keep up the sugar water though it's just to get them started. and X2 on the heat from the light bulb, especially till he gets his legs and can move away if too warm.

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