Incubators Anonymous

That has been my experience as well. I have had up to 6 roosters in one pen - once the pecking order was established there was relative "peace" in the coop. If they grew up together there was a brief "skirmish" and then top dog on down was established. I cut back a bit, now I have two in one, two in another and.. um.. 4 in the banty coop - oops...

The only breed I know that will not let another rooster alone is some of the OEG birds. They were bred to fight - and they will fight until one is maimed or dead. My mother has them. They will co-exist if they free range - they don't go into the others "territory" or mess with the other rooster's hens.

However, she just told me my little mixed breed Mutt bantam rooster that I gave her is the boss of ALL of her roosters - which was hilarious because that I would have to see - he is half their size!
If you want some more I think ALL of my Marans have gone broody. 1 box has a MEANY it it. Another has 2 girls... a little temper but not much the other nest box.... I think it had 8 in it
I pulled one out to look for eggs... yeah right... and put her in with the MEANY and a fight ensued... then another girl stuck her head UNDER all the others in that box and shoved her way in the pile... I didn't look for more eggs. I did fine one in the coop... I told her I would lay my eggs in the coop to to get away from the others. I think there are about 4 or 5 hanging out on the ledge to the nest boxes too.... really out of 16 pullets/hens 12-14 are broody. That would be a lot of babies! I could really clear out my bator with those girls.
my mille fleur cochin pen has 2 roos and 5 hens. 1 nest box. and 4 broody.
If you want to breed keep one roo if you keep them all you will need to separate them. They will start to fight and fight to the death. until one is left. They cannot be able to see each other through the fence. I don't have any info on meat birds. I only raise laying hens. I do butcher the roos I don't want for breeding. Good luck, it is a constant learning lesson.
actually that's debatable. it entirely depends on breed. as mentioned above, my mfc pen has 5 hens and 2 roos that get along just fine. I have 2 silver grey and 2 red dorking roos with 1 lf blrw, 1 bantam blrw, 1 ee and an assortment of other cochin roos, with even more hens. they all live in 1 coop at night and free range during the day, but I have had all the roos together in 1 pen before without problems.

bantam cochins, dorkings, ee, blrw, oh and Swedish flowers too... forgot about them. I've got 4 roos to 3 hens now. LOL no idea what the babies are yet tho. and more hatching Saturday.
Quote: would you believe I just tend to forget when lockdown's supposed to be? so I check my calendar every couple days and walk by the 'bators and leave them alone.
as I said, with experience, patience comes . . . . I no longer need to hover to get good results. I DO write set date on the fat end of the eggs though!
Hello, Ive had a Very Succsessful Hatch then i bought a Leahy Incubator and had another one Photos included
I feel so badly to amit I have the Hatching Bug.................. Please help me with this adiction because now my thermomiters are all off none of them have the same temp. Any avice ?
Thank you An adict NEEDS YOU ,,

the Babies are Dark Brahmas and the Black Babies are Beautful Marans from ZANNA she even Gave extra EGGS . Her chicks are so healthy and Big every one who is a hatch adict like me is amazed THANK YOU ZANNA ,. i wanna try Wellies PM ME LETS TALK cash to egg or maybe even LOL i dont know i do want to try them
Omg I've just had the hardest night :( my incubator rose to 120.. it was only at that temp for about 5minutes(if that, really).. all day I've been having a chick knock on it's shell then the temp went up, now I don't hear anything :( are my eggs dead?? Is the one that was supposed to hatch today not going to? Is there a chance for survivors? I am just so mad and sad that I probably killed the rest of my babies :'( Ugh :(
My new "incubator" works great! Put in 6 eggs, I know we have 4 hatched. Haven't moved Mom to see about the other 2 yet! My new "incubator" was sooo much easier than my electrical one! LOL

The fan in my hatcher just quit working. Actually it stopped spinning and started smoking. Of course, today is lockdown for a new batch.
Just ordered a new fan assembly but won't be here in time for this hatch. Guess I'll be hand turning all the others in the incubator. Blech. I got a hatcher so I wouldn't need to do staggered hatches!

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