Incubators Anonymous

I have 20 chicks in my giant brooder that hatched on Monday. The next batch is set to hatch Wednesday. So here's the question...can I put the new babies in with what will be 1 1/2 week old chicks? My brooder is 4'x7' so space isn't really an issue. Do I need to add a divider?
I was able to do it not once but twice.. About a 2 or 3 week difference in all my spring chicks, Although I didn't add one or two. When I added chicks it was ten or more... I would use your own judgment, it may not work and you should be ready to separate or remove them.
good, I will try again

Mind you, the newbies will huddle in a corner for several hours and the older ones may do a bit of pecking and checking, but the should start to mingle within a few hours , My oldest chicks were Buff Orpingtons and they were wonderful with the little ones, kept trying to sit on them :)
We did remove the oldest chicks last week, they were just to big and would mow over the little ones trying to feed and get water and space was limited. They are now in what I call the In Between pen, not quite old enough for the adults but to old for the chicks
I have 20 chicks in my giant brooder that hatched on Monday. The next batch is set to hatch Wednesday. So here's the question...can I put the new babies in with what will be 1 1/2 week old chicks? My brooder is 4'x7' so space isn't really an issue. Do I need to add a divider?

I mix ages up to 3 weeks apart with no issues.
Just set another dozen for the farmers son who is raising his own chickens and wanted chicks so I'm to 101 eggs atm. First batch goes into lockdown Wed. Just candled them and all are alive and wiggly. Very excited. Brought the brooders in to be cleaned and set up.
78% hatch rate on shipped eggs this week :)....
5 clears 2 quitters and 25 chicks!!!
78% hatch rate on shipped eggs this week :)....
5 clears 2 quitters and 25 chicks!!!
good for you...I had 50% basically 2 were broke in the mail left me with quit around day 23-24 i would guess and was my very malpostioned and probably drowned day 27 feel guilty i didn't make it a little air hole i knew it was by candling,..I always do eggtopsies..
I have something hatching every week, for the next 4... chicks,chicks,ducks,chicks,turkey's, ducks...chicks

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