Incubators Anonymous

Well none of my shipped eggs hatched this time! :( Poo! At least they were just swap eggs, but I still wanted them!

Anyway! I had 2 chicks, from my own eggs, zip almost fully, then my humidity bottomed out through the night and they dried up and got stuck, BAD! Looks like they may have already been sticky to begin with. So I helped them out, but they were so stuck, they still have shell pieces on them! I left those 2 in the bator cause I didn't figure they'd make it anyway. Here we r on day 2 & they're doing well.
Now HOW THE HECK do I get them clean and fluffy???? They are soooooo crusty dried up. I don't want them in my brooder like that. Lol
Ok. Googled it, & it was pretty simple. Duh! Lol
Here's my poor little Frizzled Sultan out of the hatcher with yolk and shell attached like concrete. The night I helped him out of the shell I had to soak him with wet cloth to get his "chin" off of his chest, and 1 wing unglued from his head!

Now fresh from a warm bath, towel dried, & ready to RUN! He's so tiny, I had to put the stopper in the bathroom sink because I was afraid I'd drop him down the drain!!! LMBO!

Other than his herniated umbilical, seems to be doing well. Back in the hatcher now to dry, then I'll put some meds on his belly. :)

I hatch ALL my eggs upright.
I wonder if in my brinsea I could get away with hatching my shipped eggs upright with a rack in....hmmmm, I wouldn't see why not i guess. Would be the same as having an egg carton in there or something I would think. My others I'm probably going to keep laying down though, since they have been for the whole incubation process.
Is this chick in trouble?

It's hard to get a clear pic through a scratched steamy plastic window, but the top of his head is against his foot, and when he tries to push with his beak, he's pushing against his foot instead of the shell.

i helped one like this in March, the foot out of the pip kept it from turning and continuing the zipping process
Does anyone know why a shipped egg with a poor air cell will develop completely normally (yolk sac gets absorbed & everything) & then not hatch? Is it best to keep shipped eggs upright the entire time or does placing egg on side (on Day 18) help shipped eggs break out? (I've always put them flat for hatching.)

How many time have I asked that question and I do believe that is the question that brought me to BYC and I received several different answers so I am going to watch this posting to see what answers you get .....

I do have a hard time with shipped egg's and was thinking something was wrong with the incubator and then I picked up some egg's from the yard and bang a 90% hatch rate from pullet egg's .......

Wish you luck with your incubator and your e-bay seller have to have good descent egg's to start with as I had one from NC and her egg's were in the mail for 5 days on a long weekend and from 9 egg's I got seven to hatch and grow to full adults so her egg's were fertile .......
How many time have I asked that question and I do believe that is the question that brought me to BYC and I received several different answers so I am going to watch this posting to see what answers you get .....

I do have a hard time with shipped egg's and was thinking something was wrong with the incubator and then I picked up some egg's from the yard and bang a 90% hatch rate from pullet egg's .......

Wish you luck with your incubator and your e-bay seller have to have good descent egg's to start with as I had one from NC and her egg's were in the mail for 5 days on a long weekend and from 9 egg's I got seven to hatch and grow to full adults so her egg's were fertile .......  
I've incubated about 35 or so shipped eggs, and only 1 has ever hatched! :( I want to order some $75 a dozen eggs, but not til I start getting the darn things to hatch better! Grrr
Oh them some expensive egg's alright ,,, Hers get the incubator up to 99.5 for a week or more and the egg basket moving back and forth correctly then you can order the egg's and when they arrive let the egg's sit for at least 12 hours in a room of 70 F degrees so they can settle but in an egg carton with the bottom cut out so the egg's can breath and follow the directions on your incubator but try practicing with some less expensive egg's first .......

I think that is about the best advice I can give you and for winter hatching you heed to have a really worm room to have the incubator in .....
What is the deal with this batch of eggs?

I finally opened the top enough to grab that one out, the one with it's foot sticking out, and I helped it out.

But now there's one that's made a round hole instead of zipping. It's head is sticking out of the hole, so of course it's completely stuck that way. Just an egg with a chick head sticking out of a hole. (Kind of comical, actually).

I don't recall ever having either of these two scenarios before.

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