Incuview Incubator

I just got a 30 gallon plastic tote and I don't know how in the heck to hook up the heat lamp

This might not work for everybody's set up, but I learned a neat trick from a lady I bought chicks from last year. She leaned a 2x4 board slant ways against the wall next to her brooder. She clamped the heat lamp to the 2x4 down near the level of the brooder, at the right height to make it 90 degrees at the chicks' level. Then as the chicks needed less heat, she just clamps the light a little higher. I think you need it near a corner of your wall, or somewhere that you can make sure the 2x4 is steady. I tried it, and it worked really well for me. :)
This might not work for everybody's set up, but I learned a neat trick from a lady I bought chicks from last year. She leaned a 2x4 board slant ways against the wall next to her brooder. She clamped the heat lamp to the 2x4 down near the level of the brooder, at the right height to make it 90 degrees at the chicks' level. Then as the chicks needed less heat, she just clamps the light a little higher. I think you need it near a corner of your wall, or somewhere that you can make sure the 2x4 is steady. I tried it, and it worked really well for me. :)

That's how mine works. I use the thermometer you see on the window sill in the picture, putting the probe ubder the light. I raise/lower the light, getting a floor temp of 90° under the lamp to start. The picture's a little deceptive. It's a big trough so there's plenty of room between the lights for the chicks to choose their comfort levels. As the weeks progress, I raise the lights, thus lowering the temperature.
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Ok I got he brooder ready so what do u guys think the bulb is a 60 watt and there is paper over e wood chips for the first couple of days and those are there Freda no water tomarrow is day 18 so hopefully something soon


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