Indian Runner Duck temperment


In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2016
We have two sweet female Indian Runner ducks. They aren't extremely social with us though. Most of the time they run away. I think my Boyfriend was hoping for friendlier birds. Is this just their normal attitude? Will getting a male help them to be more bold?They are only 3 months old or so. Any insight would be awesome.
In my experience it's just kind of the nature of ducks. Even if they're friendly and social and hand raised their first instinct is to move away. Out of 25 I can hand feed a dozen, most of them know their name, but I can only pick 2 up. A boy wouldnt make them be more friendly, it might even make them shy away more. Depends on the individual duck personality.
Thank you. We hatched them out ourselves and raised them with the kids hoping that they would be used to them. But they just like to hang out in their own little click. We were sure that we would get boys with our luck and named them Howard and George. They asked if we should change the names and I informed the kids that as long as we provide, food, shelter and clean water they can care less what we call them.
At 3 months, they can be extra skittish. Have you tried treats (peas, watermelon, etc)? Handfeeding?

Runners aren't known for being super friendly, but with time and patience, they can be reasonably friendly. And peas. Lots of peas.
They are both tan Indian Runners. We are a little north of Columbus near Mt Gilead. And I think these two girls were hatched May 15th.
Thank you. We haven't tried peas yet. The kids have specific rules for them. They have to wait for the ducks to come to them, no chasing and buy their love with treats. We give the chickens treats so they always make sure to give some to the ducks too. We hand feed them so they get used to us more.
Ducks are small. Everything is a threat to them. And when it doesn't move slowly, it seems even scarier.

How old are your kids?

My friendliest runners were the ones I had the most time to spend with them. They were raised on my patio in August in coastal AL... hot. So I'd bring them inside to our master bath and just sit on the floor and let them run around. I just sat on the floor while they ran around and then over me. Then I became a jungle gym. I just sat. When I got up, I did it slowly.
Then I gave them run space on the deck and again, just would go out and sit with them while they ran around. They'd come and hang out with me when they wanted.
I didn't hand feed, but treats were either in their pool or from my hand.

Head outside with a beach towel and lay down on it and let the ducks run around. Tempt them in close with peas - if they already eat from your hands, peas from your hands. Watermelon is a not so much a from the hand treat - or you end up covered in watermelon juice and a sticky mess.

The more you are on their level and not towering over them, the less of a threat you are. Mine have never been willing to be picked up, but they were friendly, would come when I called (them or the dogs) and would hang out near me if I was in the yard or next to my chair if I was sitting in a chair.

I didn't do that with the 2nd batch of runners. Of those 2, one will eat peas from my hand, but is never in reaching distance of me otherwise.

It really just takes time with runners. If you are just hanging out doing nothing, go hang out and do nothing with the ducks. The closer to the ground you are, the less threatening you are. Treats. Friendly is friendly, doesn't matter if they are only doing it for treats lol
Thank you that does help. My kids are 7,5 and 1. It's nice to know that the rules I have given them are good ones. They walk up to the duck area and crouch down so that the girls will come to them. Both of the ducks come and eat treats out of our hands. Including the baby. But she is only allowed to play with them under my supervision. So she doesn't think it is too much fun having to sit on my lap and me telling her what to do. I give them the lecture everyday why I don't want them chasing and tormenting our pets. So hopefully it sinks in. My new one is "If a giant chased you every day and picked you up when you didn't want to would you like them?" So I guess they are relatively friendly if they come over to get treats. Their dad laughs at me because the ducks quack loudly at the entrance to their area if they want anything from me. Including if they want treats of any kind, their pool to be washed out or just to be let out to go pick on the chickens. We will just keep working on them I guess. Since I am home a lot they get attention every single day.

Just testing to see if this works. I haven't been able to add photos from my phone and I think I figured it out.

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