Indian Runner molting?


8 Years
May 14, 2011
Hi all!

Gracie is an adopted duck. She was fine till the beginning of summer and she nested.
She sat on a nest for almost 1 and 1/2 months till we made her get out of it. Then she went right into her molt.
But the molt hasn't ended and she is getting all these sorta whitish feathers. She never had the white around her eyes.. nor anyplace else on her.
I am worried. Is there something else going on here? The other two ducks went through their molt but only the pekin is laying. The Mallard hasn't layed for a few months now.
Anyone have any clues?
TY in advance,

I would like to introduce you to my "black" runner, Sieben.

This was last fall. Sieben's head is almost all white now.

This is my "chocolate" runner Zwei two years ago. She now has barely any brown feathers - she is almost completely white.

My black and chocolate runners at age 3 months.

They get snow. Not to worry.

After adopting a drake and two other girls, my runners went on egg laying strike for five months. We seem to be doing fine now.
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Holy cow!!!!!
We got two of them from the SPCA and they didn't have a clue what they were or their age.
Gee I am glad to know. TY!
Your duckie babies are sooo pretty!
Here are the two we adopted.

Gracie is the Runner

and Waffles is a Mallard mix.

They joined Rump and 4 roosters and 10 females, 2 dogs and two cats.


Thank you so much for sharing!


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