Indian Runner VS Khaki Campbells


Apr 20, 2019
Valley Head, Alabama
Having trouble deciding which breeds to add to my flock. I’m raising mostly for eggs and possibly to hatch more off and sell some eventually. Just wanting to get some opinions. This is my options I believe, 12 Indian Runner ducklings, 12 khaki Campbells ducklings, or 4 khaki Campbell females and a straight run of 8 Indian runners. Any input would be appreciated
I don't have any experience with KC's, but we do have 10 Runners. They are not laying yet, so the jury is still out on that. I can say if you plan om hand raising them, they will be rather social. Our ducks come running up anytime the see or hear me.

They are very fun, and funny!

@Miss Lydia might be able to comment on the Runner's laying capability.

@HuffleClaw has KC's, hopefully she can help on egg production too.

Either way you go, I'm sure you'll love them. :love
I've had Pekin and Cambells and no matter what the literature says or how they're raised, they're skittish and will barrel over anything to avoid being picked up. I don’t know anything about Rinners but at least all my Campbells have soft voices. Pekins, loud enough to wake the dead. Lol

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