Indian Runners

Here is an idea for a house/run. This is where my 5 runners stay at night. It is covered on ALL sides with 1/2inch hardware cloth.


Here is looking inside. I have a halfsized horse trough in the run for bathing and splashing around.


Very nice set up. How do you drain the trough?
He looks like a chocolate runner to me.


He isn't as dark as most of the chocolates I have seen. But I am sure there is a lot of variation. I was thinking maybe fawn, but I am no expert. Thanks!
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I can't help but notice the similarities between my runner drake and my new buff hen. The buff may be way tinier but she has a flat head like many runners (not mine) and she runs half upright. Do you think that she may be a runner x buff cross?


I can't help but notice the similarities between my runner drake and my new buff hen. The buff may be way tinier but she has a flat head like many runners (not mine) and she runs half upright. Do you think that she may be a runner x buff cross?


whatever she has in her makeup, she has Runner for sure.

I want to get a couple more ducklings to add to my flock and I want an Indian runner. From people's experience are males or females calmer and friendlier? Is it better to get 2 runners or would 1 runner be happy with my other breed of ducks (I have pekins, mallards and want to add welsh harlequins).
My broody Cochin hatched out 6 Indian Runners, they are so cute. Here is one of them. They are all this same color some with less tan on their chests.
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