Any suggestions for a water container that won't spill that I can put in Lavenders nest box? I'm afraid she won't get enough water if I don't put some next to her.
I'm being paranoid, aren't I?

She's my baby.

A nipple water bottle would be best if she knows how to drink from nipples. Otherwise, a small doggy bowl that flares at the bottom. Or a heavy crockery straight-sided bowl. Something that won't tip over when she steps on it.

Alright, it was my turn to catch up on posts. I've been cramming, because I had an evil, evil Chemistry test this morning that has left me with a mixed feeling of hopefulness and doubt. :/ Oh, well. I guess I'll find out on Monday how I did.
When you said you were getting a white egg, were you sure it was white or was it just a really light brown like in the picture you posted? I ask because, though her comb is small for a Leghorn, this bird has the shape--especially in the tail--of a White Leghorn. :oops:
Here is what I have noted for ivermectin The dosage is: 1 drop for a small "micro" bantam, say the size of an OE hen 2 drops for an average small bantam - OE male, small bantam hens 3 drops for an average bantam sized bird or small hen 4 drops for a commercial sized hen or small large fowl hen 5 drops for a commercial sized roo or average large fowl hen 6 drops for larger bodied laying type birds 7 drops for giant breeds As always I do recommend worming first with wazine if: - the birds are under 4 months of age - the birds haven't been wormed in over 6 mos w/broad spectrum wormer - the bird is of an unknown worming history - the bird is shedding worms, or their flock mates are shedding worms That caution is to prevent an unknown heavy infestation from causing shock or blockage in a bird. Some say 'just do it' but I like to treat every bird of mine as if it were the most valuable irreplaceable bird in my flock. And so that's the advice I give to others - as if theres were that $500 once in a lifetime bird. That doesn't mean I recommend expensive things, but I darn sure don't recommend stuff that I think could harm. Again I still recommend the pour-on of all the ivermectins because it has a chance to stay on the bird longer than the pour ons do through the mouth.
Thank you for your recommendations. I have the dosages and have treated the adults with the pour-on before (I'm not sure if it was within 6 months, but definitely within 8). :) The pullets turned 4 months old last week--will they still be alright with the Ivormectin pour-on or should I just not treat them?
Can anyone tell me what breed these are?
My first thought was mixed breed. I see green legs on one, which is an indicator of a yellow legged bird crossed with a slate legged bird, and they don't have a feather pattern (even for youngsters) that strikes me as pure for a particular variety. Closer pictures from the side of them standing naturally would help with identification, though. :) Also, I don't know if it makes any difference, but it does look like there's a cockerel in the bunch.
I love how this little one looks, hope it's a girl! :love
Any guess as to gender for my 11 week old sumatra:
At 11 weeks, I would lean toward cockerel. Is he from a hatchery? It looks like he has a single comb, while Sumatras are supposed to have pea combs.
My first thought was mixed breed. I see green legs on one, which is an indicator of a yellow legged bird crossed with a slate legged bird, and they don't have a feather pattern (even for youngsters) that strikes me as pure for a particular variety. Closer pictures from the side of them standing naturally would help with identification, though.
Also, I don't know if it makes any difference, but it does look like there's a cockerel in the bunch.
Yes my neighbor said the guy who gave them too him thought one might be a male.
Oh, so many questions...

Who has ordered from Murray McMurray Hatchery? Was the experience a good one?
I have ordered from McMurray twice and been very happy with the results. Like any shipped animals a lot depends on weather and the post office. McMurray has always been very good about credits and even let me cancel one order a few weeks before it was due to come to me. They gave a full refund.

What is the latest in the year you have purchased or hatched Cornish X/any meat birds to put up for the winter?
Depends on how far North you are. I am near the Ohio river, so this or next week would be the ltest I would want to mess with it.

We are thinking of purchasing some meat birds, again, but did not know if it was too late in the season to raise them properly. Is it better to wait til spring?
You can raise them, but there may not be as much forage. So more store bought feed. The good thing is the flies won't be as bad and the stink will be less in colder weather.

If you have raised meat birds, do you have a separate coop for them or do they share the coop with your layers?
Mine are separate just because my Orps are huge and have not been nice to the meat birds in the past.

And do you process your own birds, or do you have someone come do it for you? I was too "chicken" to do it myself last time.
I process my own. it made me sick the first few times, but I got numb to it. Personally I can't do more than 4 in a run. We hand pluck, get a plucker if you are going to do a bunch. We did have to hold them in the cone until the body stopped thrashing. I used this as a guide. Beware, graphic pictures. The other thing we do is clean in between each chicken and none of the live chickens see the slaughter process. they also never see the carcasses. All that is covered before we bring the next one up. I am big on being as humane as possible. If we think it is inhumane in the research labs then I consider it inhumane at home. You aren't allowed to let animals watch you euthanize other animals in most research facilities in the United States.
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Oh, so many questions...

Who has ordered from Murray McMurray Hatchery? Was the experience a good one?

What is the latest in the year you have purchased or hatched Cornish X/any meat birds to put up for the winter?

We are thinking of purchasing some meat birds, again, but did not know if it was too late in the season to raise them properly. Is it better to wait til spring?

If you have raised meat birds, do you have a separate coop for them or do they share the coop with your layers?

And do you process your own birds, or do you have someone come do it for you? I was too "chicken" to do it myself last time.

I house seperatley.IMO Meat chickens are nasty birds. Would never let them stay with my others.
Well gang... I'm about to give up on chickens!! I had another dog attack today. The same dog!! And it went for me too so hopefully NOW they will put it down, like they should've before!!! Jchny- he got Bob (EE Roo from you). I was just telling Bob this morning how pretty he was getting and he was finally staring to show interest in the girls. So after another sherif call and Animal control call we will see!! Somehow I had a feeling this morning and had left them semi-penned, but some would fly ove the fence. And I was all cleaned up for a Drs appt when I heard something, looked out to see a hen flying which was unusual. It was raining here and I went running out, grabbed the umbrella, which I used on the dog after he was growling at me!! Next time I'll grab the gun first not the umbrella. Killed the umbrella not the dog!! ****!!! So I was late and wet for the Drs appt!
Well gang... I'm about to give up on chickens!! I had another dog attack today. The same dog!! And it went for me too so hopefully NOW they will put it down, like they should've before!!! Jchny- he got Bob (EE Roo from you). I was just telling Bob this morning how pretty he was getting and he was finally staring to show interest in the girls. So after another sherif call and Animal control call we will see!! Somehow I had a feeling this morning and had left them semi-penned, but some would fly ove the fence. And I was all cleaned up for a Drs appt when I heard something, looked out to see a hen flying which was unusual. It was raining here and I went running out, grabbed the umbrella, which I used on the dog after he was growling at me!! Next time I'll grab the gun first not the umbrella. Killed the umbrella not the dog!! ****!!! So I was late and wet for the Drs appt!

Oh no! Maybe you can teach the chickens to shoot the gun. Seriously though, is the dog attacking at a certain time? If so I'd set a lawn chair in the coop and wait with the gun. Take a book and a cooler out there. Use hollow points if it is a gun.
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