No eggs. That 30 week cut off date is coming up pretty fast. I'm readying myself for the fact that I may never be a chicken grandma..I my never hatch my own eggs from my flock. They've apparently decided I don't NEED my own fresh eggs.
a couple hens are secure enough in my devotion to them that they don't worry about going to the cooking pot even though they aren't giving eggs. *sigh*
If you end up with roosters, they are typically easy to rehome. I know I don't mind offering a short term home to a young rooster.

As for the turkey order. I really would like to order but i just am not set up right now for a tom turkey. But wow the Tiger Bronze toms are very eye catching. Are tom turkeys mean like the RIR roosters?

I have had Narragansetts for three years now, from a breeder down in Florida. Have never had an aggressive tom. The worst I have ever seen is tom vs. tom during breeding season, when they sometimes insult each other in a high pitched squeaky voice and "thumb wrestle" neck-on-neck..

All I can say is maybe it varies by breed. It might be socialization too. All mine were raised by a mother bird (chicken or turkey) and grew up hand fed by humans.

The tom turkeys sometimes gobble at passing traffic but other than that they aren't particularly noisy.

If anyone can't wait for spring for turkeys, I have around seven turkey poults I want to rehome, actually they are more like 3/4 grown turkeys now. Some are the normal Narragansett color and some are a slightly darker variation with a mocha color instead of the pale buff grey. I also have a couple adult Narragansetts. Just let me know if you are interested. I'm planning to go to the show in Lebanon, happy to bring turkeys along.

Best - exop
If you end up with roosters, they are typically easy to rehome. I know I don't mind offering a short term home to a young rooster.

As for the turkey order. I really would like to order but i just am not set up right now for a tom turkey. But wow the Tiger Bronze toms are very eye catching. Are tom turkeys mean like the RIR roosters?

I have had Narragansetts for three years now, from a breeder down in Florida. Have never had an aggressive tom. The worst I have ever seen is tom vs. tom during breeding season, when they sometimes insult each other in a high pitched squeaky voice and "thumb wrestle" neck-on-neck..

All I can say is maybe it varies by breed. It might be socialization too. All mine were raised by a mother bird (chicken or turkey) and grew up hand fed by humans.

The tom turkeys sometimes gobble at passing traffic but other than that they aren't particularly noisy.

If anyone can't wait for spring for turkeys, I have around seven turkey poults I want to rehome, actually they are more like 3/4 grown turkeys now. Some are the normal Narragansett color and some are a slightly darker variation with a mocha color instead of the pale buff grey. I also have a couple adult Narragansetts. Just let me know if you are interested. I'm planning to go to the show in Lebanon, happy to bring turkeys along.

Best - exop
No eggs. That 30 week cut off date is coming up pretty fast. I'm readying myself for the fact that I may never be a chicken grandma..I my never hatch my own eggs from my flock. They've apparently decided I don't NEED my own fresh eggs.
a couple hens are secure enough in my devotion to them that they don't worry about going to the cooking pot even though they aren't giving eggs. *sigh*

they will eventually lay, give them time. 30 weeks isnt that bad. The EE in my avatar didnt lay until she was 11 months old
Originally Posted by SallyinIndiana

If you end up with roosters, they are typically easy to rehome. I know I don't mind offering a short term home to a young rooster.

As for the turkey order. I really would like to order but i just am not set up right now for a tom turkey. But wow the Tiger Bronze toms are very eye catching. Are tom turkeys mean like the RIR roosters?

Are your Heritage RIR roosters mean? I thought that they were supposed to be mellower than the production birds.
[COLOR=FF0000]Pipd - [/COLOR]my older two have been pretty friendly towards everyone that has come in contact with them. We even had a family get together Labor Day weekend and all the kids were really excited to see the chickens and turkeys. It was fun doing a little petting zoo. My great white hunter/know-it-all uncle yelled at the kids to stay away from the turkeys, they're mean!! I said, you just watch this sir... and I had them come and pet the birds and I was feeding them out of my hands (they LOVE raisins) and my uncle was stunned.

The younger ones haven't been handled as much since I got them (got them all around the same age, the 2 older ones were from RK and the 3 younger are from a farm) and they aren't mean so far, just timid. I definitely can't "pet" them or scratch their heads like my older two. That may come later, or they may always be a little stand off-ish.

Gosh, I feel like I know more about my turkeys than I do the chickens!!

Sounds like lots of fun! :D I'm glad to hear they can be tamed--my Guineas are insane, definitely not very affectionate pets. :rolleyes: Chickens are my specialty, but I know nothing about turkeys, so I'm glad to learn from others!

Oh my, handle them a LOT and it will pay off tenfold. I swear if I had got turkeys first, I may never have got chickens! I am totally in love with my bourbon reds. My oldest poult still sits and snoozes and trills on my lap. He is just over 4 months now. He swoops in from the barn roof, finally broke him of the shoulder perching :oops: That really hurts with a tank top on!  Love my palms too, but not as cuddly, the pair were adults when they came. The poults from the pair are very sweet, but I know it will all change as they get older.
Totally different, guineas will bond some but some of mine are terribly flighty. My first pearl, Quasey I can pick up and she comes to me. She will still perch on my lap if no other birds are close. I have one group I had to brood in the den, we had an electrical problem in the garage.
They are by far more friendly. They will even perch on my lawn chair for treats, and follow me like a little wave of wind up toys :lau . All i say is ginnyginnyginny and they all come flying!
My turkeys and geese are the most affectionate & friendly birds I have. Not so much for my gander, Gee, he is not trusting of strangers and can be aggressive.

Would you recommend starting with the reds or would palms be alright for a beginner? I do really love those royal palms. :drool

Yeah, my Guineas won't come closer than a yard to me. My first four were a few weeks old when we got them and the two remaining males from that batch are still INSANE. Then, we hatched eggs from those males and the two females that are unfortunately no longer with us, and ended up with 7 keets out of 11 eggs. They were friendly at first, but grew shy in spite of how much attention I gave them. Oh, well. They're all insane!


Incidentally, that's one of the reasons I've never hatched my hens' eggs in that incubator. All seven of the keets we hatched here were male. :th I don't need that many chicken roosters.
M2h - honestly I didn't do anything after soaking her foot in warm Epsom salts. The next day she was walking better and the swelling was down. Either she was stung or hurt it jumping off our top roost. I really need to lower it - it's too high. I didn't realize at the time they would ALL try to get up there. I had the sebrights in mind. Live and learn.

Good news! Part of my Roos necrop came in and it came in clean. No infection of any sort and no parasites. All organs looked normal. The vet said she will call for the full report on Monday but as of right now looks like my flock is clean. Just accident prone :/
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Originally Posted by SallyinIndiana

If you end up with roosters, they are typically easy to rehome. I know I don't mind offering a short term home to a young rooster.

As for the turkey order. I really would like to order but i just am not set up right now for a tom turkey. But wow the Tiger Bronze toms are very eye catching. Are tom turkeys mean like the RIR roosters?

Are your Heritage RIR roosters mean? I thought that they were supposed to be mellower than the production birds.

No my HRIR are as sweet as puppies to me. They follow me around but have never so much as danced or flapped their wings. They have tried to eat out of the food bucket before i sat it down. I did not realize they were tall enough to just start eating while I was walking it out to the coup. It caught me off guard but they are not aggressive in any way to me.
Now the production rir that I had they would try to get their spurs in the air and fly at me if I was not showing them how much I was in charge. I would be nervous to get in a kneeling position with a prir behind me or free ranging around me.
Quote: We have soft city water.
no water softener here.
Yes the plumber replaced some pipes, I'm not sure exactly which ones though but I know some had to come out as they were glued onto the old hardware.

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