I was going through hatching withdrawal when we had that break in the weather in November, so I nabbed a couple of eggs and threw them in the incubator. One was an egg from a mille fleur d'uccle hen fertilized by a blue splash silkie roo. Here are the results:

All are quite attractive birds, good choice!
Bought 10 Welsummers and lost 4 of them. They were perfectly healthy and after 2 days they look real bad. Dirty, raw heads, just bad. Any idea what what would cause this?
How big is the brooder they are in? Pecking and crowding may be the cause.
Chicks can be pretty hard on their flockmates.

Hi to all!
My husband and I are brand new to chickens. We have talked about it for quite some time and just took the 'plunge' yesterday so this is all very new to us. I wanted to bring home every baby chick in the store...but my husband said 'no' and I thought better of it and decided on 4 each of 6 different varieties! (Told you we took a plunge) We live in rural parke county in Indiana and look forward to linking up with like minded ppl and eager to learn all there is to know! So excited! Any helpful advice is much welcomed!
And our thread

Aak any question u have. And don't think it "dumb" ever! We are all here to learn.

Quote: Brad I am so sorry, better luck on the LB.
2 pips on the eggs in the incubator (from our Iowa Blue eggs). - total of 15 eggs (7 IaB + 8 other mixes) went into lockdown sunday nite - hopefully more will pip (& zip soon) in the next few days

hatching vibes!
The security camera says the family sleep pile of silkies are peacefully sleeping in the coop. I didn't realize I would worry so much about them once they went back outside. I am so glad to have a clean dust free den again though!
Love this! We have been looking into them too.

Quote: So cool!
About 6:30 tonight I was standing in the kitchen looking out the back window and saw a flock of geese land in the field behind us. A little bit later it struck me that they didn't look quite like geese. So I got out my binoculars and my bird book. I realized that instead they were sandhill cranes! A flock of 13 of them! We're about a couple counties west of their normal migratory path. I looked up on line & saw that Jaspar/Pulaski counties have a huge migration landing area with 1000s landing there. I thought it was really cool that we had some here. They stayed in the corn field for about an hour before they flew off. I'll be watching tomorrow to see if they come back.
Thats a rare and just beautiful sight. I envy you. I used to visit willow slough game preserve a lot to see them.

I'm sooo good about refraining from the temptations lingering at my local RK but lo and behold my first time ever in the Btown RK and couldn't help myself but bought up the last 9 YES 9 lol Silkies they had! LOL I was going to get eggs from Kab...all along that was my plan but I have been coaching and supplying my aunt with her new addiction and she loved my Silkie boy ...which is all I have now...and so I'm gracefully blaming her for my purchase. I did it for her! So now she can have one too! She's starting small. I gave her 2 of my laying RIR girls a frizzled Cochin bantam pullet and she will be getting one of my newly hatched BCM & AM & a Silkie. She's all set!
Not sure of the colors but here's a pic of the cuties!

of course they are all of the little white/yellow dots down there amongst the BCMs etc...
Congrats on the new babies!
Hi All, I've been wondering about something and thought I'd get some opinions from anyone who wants to share. I brought home chicks last Tuesday, so they're maybe 2 weeks old. I'd like to get a couple of Orpington chicks too. Is there any harm adding them to ones I already have? Right now I have 2 RIR, 2 BR and 1 SLW. I'm using an old Pack-n-Play for my brooder and I think room-wise I'm ok, just now sure if it's a good idea to add new chicks with older ones. Any thoughts?
lajohnston ~ As far as I know, I don't think there would be a problem mixing new chicks, especially if they came from the same store. Does anyone else have any comments?
Any suggestions to why a 6 month old EE would be acting like she can't walk or stand? I'm freaking out here! No bumblefoott, nothing visually, she is alert and chatting to me,

Urbanmom~ I've been catching up on posts and saw your emergency post from early Tues. morning and that pginsber tried to help. What is the update on your EE?

lollipopguild ~ So sorry to hear that! Have you found anything out? Where did you get them-- and did you ask them about the situation? I know that racinchickins asked about your heat-- do you have an area for them to get away from the heat if needed? (see post 24036, page 2404) The dirty part does sound more like parasites unless the feathers have been singed. Please give us an update.
Hi to all!
My husband and I are brand new to chickens. We have talked about it for quite some time and just took the 'plunge' yesterday so this is all very new to us. I wanted to bring home every baby chick in the store...but my husband said 'no' and I thought better of it and decided on 4 each of 6 different varieties! (Told you we took a plunge) We live in rural parke county in Indiana and look forward to linking up with like minded ppl and eager to learn all there is to know! So excited! Any helpful advice is much welcomed!

HippieChickGirl ~ Welcome! My advice is to go to your nearest library and/or bookstore "asap" to have a general resource to constantly refer to. Online resources like this one are great, but in general when you're looking online, too much conflicting information can be overwhelming. When you're needing to know something quickly, it's easier to refer to one source. Chicken raising is way more complicated than I ever imagined, so read--read--read! They are SO worth it though-- entertaining, interesting, personable, and their eggs are wonderful, too.
About 6:30 tonight I was standing in the kitchen looking out the back window and saw a flock of geese land in the field behind us. A little bit later it struck me that they didn't look quite like geese. So I got out my binoculars and my bird book. I realized that instead they were sandhill cranes! A flock of 13 of them! We're about a couple counties west of their normal migratory path. I looked up on line & saw that Jaspar/Pulaski counties have a huge migration landing area with 1000s landing there. I thought it was really cool that we had some here. They stayed in the corn field for about an hour before they flew off. I'll be watching tomorrow to see if they come back.
PeacefulWalls ~ That sure beats the flocks of turkey vultures I've been seeing lately! Actually, we're located on a seagull path so it's not unusual to see beautiful white seagulls stop off during the winter. They especially like the north side Target parking lot! We also have American white pelicans stop off here in the winter. It's just so tropical down here in Southern Indiana!!

There are over 34,000 posts about bees on BYC!
kabhyper ~ I'm so sorry to read about Skittles!
Btw, Way to Go on your excellent and popular post about "posting behavior"!
goatluver and leslea ~ I've always wanted a frizzle, too! And I'm only two hours away, so speed it up.
You've got a deal. I really want a frizzle *something* just because they're too beautiful. I would rather get a bantam to go with my other bantams.  I could take 2.  Just holla.

I don't have frizzles but I have silkies and sizzles due to hatch this weekend, if you might be interested in some. I live in Greenville right on the Floyd Harrison county line. They should be black or blue.

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