I don't have frizzles but I have silkies and sizzles due to hatch this weekend, if you might be interested in some. I live in Greenville right on the Floyd Harrison county line. They should be black or blue.

To add to that I do have 2 Frizzled black bantam Cochins boys I would like to find homes for. I hatched back in Aug. They are also vaccinated against Mareks.
I know, feel that way sometimes too. Shipped eggs are always a terrible gamble. I still search for CS and am almost afraid to bid.. they are too pricy for me yet.
Power outages have really affected my flock plans too Makes you want to scream!.
I mightt be able to help you out on getting them ;). I'll keep you posted.
chick rookie ~ That's wonderful! You've had a rough winter, and you're certainly a deserving chicken mom! I bet you'll pass along an act of kindness to someone else. Most acts of kindness are "priceless."

M2H this was minmin1258 that got the little coop, not me
. I'm happy for her that's great just wanted to clear that up. And you are right Most acts of kindness are "priceless."

Now on a different note.... can someone please tell me " Why all of the sudden " I cant quote???? I had to copy and past this and last night it wouldn't load a quote for me either. I know how to do it , I have been doing it all along, and now I can't very frustrated!!
Don't you worry on it at all. You have the right to speak your mind and I will go nuts if they mess with you.

Oh no, so sorry to hear it :hugs wishing good hatching vibes next round!

Thats scary. Hopefully the order is delayed.
aww, the look so interested, I bet they settle in quick!

They are in Indy now. They down the nigh in Tennessee

[COLOR=800080]leslea~ [/COLOR][COLOR=8B4513]And you were worried that your DH wouldn't like having chicks! You don't even have them yet, but he has plans for lap chickens. [/COLOR]

Insert laughing symbol
[COLOR=008000]chick rookie [COLOR=8B4513]~ That's wonderful! You've had a rough winter, and you're certainly a deserving chicken mom! I bet you'll pass along an act of kindness to someone else. Most acts of kindness are "priceless." [/COLOR]:)

M2H this was minmin1258 that got the little coop, not me :( . I'm happy for her that's great just wanted to clear that up. And you are right [COLOR=8B4513] Most acts of kindness are "priceless."

[COLOR=8B4513]Now on a different note.... can someone please tell me " Why all of the sudden " I cant quote???? I had to copy and past this and last night it wouldn't load a quote for me either. I know how to do it , I have been doing it all along, and now I can't very frustrated!! [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]:he [/COLOR]
Have you true restarting your computer? Sometimes my laptop acs up and all I have to do is restart it...... Mine is getting old[/COLOR]
Chick Rookie- I read the rant the other day and I completely understand. When I first got my chicks, I assumed that tractor supply really sold me Ameraucanas because that is what they were marked. Well, I posted pics of them on the Ameraucana thread and quickly got yelled at (no kidding) by people who know the difference. I don't mind that there is a difference...that's cool....but I did mind getting snapped at. I found the Indiana thread and have lived here since. Kab said it best. They are sitting in their undies on the computer (That was hilarious). Janet and all the other administrators of this thread do a great job of keeping this thread family friendly and supportive.

M2H = "covered in Cheeto dust " yip that was great, I
when I read it too. I'm so over the other threads!!! I have made my home here, If I have pic's of a breed I want to post to show them off ( just cause I love them not to be better than anyone ) I'll do it here. You guys love pic's as much as I do and I dont get " snapped " at, so that works great for me. If I have to look something up and cant find it or don't get it,
I'll ask here cause you guys will set me straight ( in a nice good way ) So its all good in this neighborhood!!!

I am on the Silkie thread also have met " a few " great people over there too, but this is home.

AND THIS COPY AND PAST STUFF is for the birds!!! I want my quote back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have frizzles but I have silkies and sizzles due to hatch this weekend, if you might be interested in some. I live in Greenville right on the Floyd Harrison county line. They should be black or blue.
That's a tempting offer! I want to wait until after my original 6 get here and make sure we're all ready to go...hubby has stopped giving emphatic "NO" responses when I show him pics of other breeds, so possibly in the future if you hatch more. :) He agrees the sizzles are cute.

We are already expecting two silkies, no idea the color (assuming they will send white but said any color is fine).

Oh, you all will appreciate know how I devotedly watch the chicken cams...Animal Planet Live added an Irish Castle to the background of their chick cam. When I woke up this morning and came downstairs I heard a rooster crowing. DH had turned it on for me to help me wake up. LOL

I suggested to him that *possibly* in a couple of years we might consider adopting a barred rock rooster (since they're so pretty) and hatching some chicks to keep the flock going. He was NOT opposed to that in theory. Laying the ground work!!!

Now I'm trying to picture where Greenville butts up against Harrison. Is that closer to New Salisbury? We looked at a cabin in Greenville on Voyles Rd that we lost to another bidder before we eventually found paradise in Gtown.

I swear, I could be a realtor or a land surveyor for all the driving over So. IN I did over 3 years!!!
leslea~ And you were worried that your DH wouldn't like having chicks! You don't even have them yet, but he has plans for lap chickens.
M2H, you are so right. I should point that out to him... I can't wait to see him with "his" chicken!

He is worried about 5 weeks in the brooder not being enough time to get the dogs used to the chicks, so I guess I will do more reading on that soon.
We are off of Georgetown Greenville rd, closer to Palmyra. Bradford area by 135. We have only been here around a year. The sizzles are a new project for me this year. I have had silkies for 2 tears now and love them. I also have EE s and a smooth frizzle Ee silkie mix.

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