atrueb00 ~ I'm so happy to have a fellow member who quotes their books! I'm always relaying info from Chicken Health For Dummies - Backyard Chickens
Aren't the Dummies books amazing? I haven't bought any other chicken books, but may consider the Chicken Health & Chicken Coop Building in the future. They are on my Amazon wishlist, just waiting for my DH to surprise me one day! LOL

Are there any other good reference books you'd recommend?

Originally Posted by Leahs Mom

Thought I'd chime in on this one.

If I could only own 1 chicken book....My most favorite book of all times for chickens is:

The Small Scale Poultry Flock by Harvey Ussery.

A lot of the book content is also on his website. LOVE LOVE LOVE his book.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the articles list.

Edited to add:
This is a "husbandry" type book rather than listings of diseases, etc. I also own a couple other books that I'd recommend as well...
Leahs Mom ~ . . . and what other books would you recommend?

Do other members have favorite chicken resource books?

I also have "The Chicken Encyclopedia" by Gail Damerow (she's also the author of the popular book, "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens.")

"IMO" ~ I've checked out many chicken books at the library, but have found that many of them consist of a chapter on coops, a chapter on chicks, a chapter on food, etc. etc. etc., but once you've built a coop and gotten started with chicks, a lot of the info isn't needed. I think it's good to have a copy of one general resource like that as well as a health book and any other specialty books like breeding, showing, or whatever you're interest may be. There's a ton of info online, but if an emergency happens, it's easier to look it up in a good resource book instead of wading through conflicting information on various websites. Our thread is an excellent resource of real life experiences, but not everyone is online at the time you might need someone. That's why we need volunteers to help go through posts to copy/paste helpful experiences in a range of topics that can be accessed at any time.
pipd~ Good to hear from you, but so sorry about losing two of your babies!
Your photos are wonderful as usual, and your little Sebright Rosie is a beautiful girl!

Tomorrow I will be setting A load of Quail Eggs From Jchny2000 I am so excited for round two with the incubator.
I have decided Just for fun I will also put some of my Eggs from my 2 bantam hens in the incubator as well.. This will be fun Because I have no Idea what I am going to end up with.. Possibly some of you will have some Ideas of what can come out of this cross.. I have a normal size Barred Rock rooster who has got ahold of my two pet bantam hens. I am unsure of the one hens breed but I have a picture of her so maybe someone knows what she is.. The other bantam hen is a D'Uccle or something like that is the name. I will post pictures.
THis is the Bantam hen I am unsure of the breed of.

this is a picture of a bird that looks nearly exactly like the one I believe is a D'uccle.
The Rooster is a normal full size Barred Rock any guesses on the outcome?
ooooooOh sweet, you have a millie! And the black and gold bird is a Gold laced Sebright. Both are exceptionally sweet birds. I can't wait to see what the crosses will give you, wow thats a big rooster for the hens! Best of luck on your hatch
Glad the eggs made it there safe. I hatch my OEG bantams with the quail. It works out well, the chicks are about the same size.
well put my quail eggs on lockdown on tuesday! So hopefully tomorrow sometime or saturday we will hopefully have some little quail....that is providing that they have survived being my first ever hatch!!

I was wondering, does anybody have any hatching eggs they might have available? maybe some dark chocolate eggs or EE or something HQ and docile? I am thinking i would like to try some actual chicken eggs now that i have the taste for incubating:drool    I don't have any roos myself, as my flock strictly has to be all girls (neighbor thing).  I don't really have anything to trade at this point so it would be cash sale.
 loving all the pictures of all the baby goats. Really makes me wish we lived somewhere we could have them!  But, i'm thinking beekeeping might be my next adventure, just doing the research first to see what it's all about.

Well I have quite a variety of hatching eggs if you're interested just shoot me a PM. I was just whining on here the other day about how I am hating putting them in the fridge!
Afternoon all!(1:48 P.M as I type this) It has been rain for 3 days here it seems.
Here are the pics of the doves. These are some of the one I have for sale. When it get warm enough to take them outside I will get better pics.

And my ducks
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I am slowly(snail pace) getting everything ready for me and my kids(animals) to move back to my old home until I can get enough money to move away from the city. I would like to get most of my doves sold before May comes, I will also have a few other things for sale as well. I am hoping this year will be a hell-a-lot better than last year. This is my and a friend's website. She doesn't get on it, so I update it and all. So if you guys would check it out and let me what you think.
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Anyone interested in a blue silkie roo or a blue showgirl roo? I have 5 roosters and only need 3 for the number of girls and color pens I want to set up. Both boys are about 10 months old. I want 15 for both, they get along and have been raised together. I hatched the showgirl myself and bought the silkie but it was sexed wrong.
I'm trying popcorn again this year and also some dent corn, which of course means I'll need to have a way to grind it for cornmeal when it dries, provided it grows OK. Maybe I can get the grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid since I never got the pasta attachments.
My mom had a vitamix here at the house that I found out can grind grain. It's what I use to make my feed with. Hers is the "professional" one they made several years ago with the stainless steel top. Looks like this:

I didn't realize you could grind grains with them. It's basically a high powered blender. It works GREAT.... It was sitting here for a long time before I finally skimmed through the book and saw that one of it's functions was to grind grain into flower or more coarsely depending on what you want. I use it EVERY WEEK to coarse grind my feed fresh.

Maybe you could find one used?

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