Well this I believe is are last nubian kid for the season. We were out doing chores and this little girls mom (Hope) was lying down and moaning, sure enough she was in labor (a rough labor too!) big kid small mom but they both turned out good and healthy!! I would like to thank you all for putting up with my goat updates. I will try and get a couple group pics soon if I can fit them all in one frame lol

Aww sweet baby. You are making me like goats!
I finally ended up just ordering my chicks through my feed mill again this year. I decided to wait until next year to spend the extra bucks on the less common breeds I was contemplating. It's sure hard to argue with $1.80 per chick! And it turned out to be a good decision too, because I finally got around to ordering my garden seeds and...well...let's just say my chicken money became seed money!! I reined myself in and only ordered 2 new tomato varieties, which is good because I had already started seeds (3 plants each) of my 30 varieties I already had! (I always do 3 each because there are always some that don't germinate -- I've also been doing so many to see which varieties really produce well in our clay soil.) I've got tomato math bad, but I love tomatoes and can at least 3 - 4 bushel every year & I don't want to have to buy all of them! Also was out of beets, peas and beans -- doing a number of different dried beans, needed fresh cucumber seeds (kept that to 4 varieties, I think!). I'm trying popcorn again this year and also some dent corn, which of course means I'll need to have a way to grind it for cornmeal when it dries, provided it grows OK. Maybe I can get the grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid since I never got the pasta attachments. Which reminds me that I never did get around to trying out the noodle recipe that was shared on here. Plus there were a few other miscellaneous seeds I needed. Maybe the garden will dry out by June
. Anyhoo, the pullet chicks I ordered were easter eggers, light brahmas, isa browns, barred rocks and australorps. DD wanted to buy bantams, which are only available SR, so she ordered 7. Chicks arrive April 15 -- just have to go to the feed mill to pick them up. It sure is loud in there with boxes and boxes of chicks stacked up waiting to go to their new homes!
Well this I believe is are last nubian kid for the season. We were out doing chores and this little girls mom (Hope) was lying down and moaning, sure enough she was in labor (a rough labor too!) big kid small mom but they both turned out good and healthy!! I would like to thank you all for putting up with my goat updates. I will try and get a couple group pics soon if I can fit them all in one frame lol
Sweet! I want goats!!
well put my quail eggs on lockdown on tuesday! So hopefully tomorrow sometime or saturday we will hopefully have some little quail....that is providing that they have survived being my first ever hatch!!

I was wondering, does anybody have any hatching eggs they might have available? maybe some dark chocolate eggs or EE or something HQ and docile? I am thinking i would like to try some actual chicken eggs now that i have the taste for incubating
I don't have any roos myself, as my flock strictly has to be all girls (neighbor thing). I don't really have anything to trade at this point so it would be cash sale.
loving all the pictures of all the baby goats. Really makes me wish we lived somewhere we could have them! But, i'm thinking beekeeping might be my next adventure, just doing the research first to see what it's all about.
I finally ended up just ordering my chicks through my feed mill again this year.  I decided to wait until next year to spend the extra bucks on the less common breeds I was contemplating.  It's sure hard to argue with $1.80 per chick!  And it turned out to be a good decision too, because I finally got around to ordering my garden seeds and...well...let's just say my chicken money became seed money!!  I reined myself in and only ordered 2 new tomato varieties, which is good because I had already started seeds (3 plants each) of my 30 varieties I already had!  (I always do 3 each because there are always some that don't germinate -- I've also been doing so many to see which varieties really produce well in our clay soil.)  I've got tomato math bad, but I love tomatoes and can at least 3 - 4 bushel every year & I don't want to have to buy all of them!  Also was out of beets, peas and beans -- doing a number of different dried beans, needed fresh cucumber seeds (kept that to 4 varieties, I think!).  I'm trying popcorn again this year and also some dent corn, which of course means I'll need to have a way to grind it for cornmeal when it dries, provided it grows OK.  Maybe I can get the grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid since I never got the pasta attachments.  Which reminds me that I never did get around to trying out the noodle recipe that was shared on here.  Plus there were a few other miscellaneous seeds I needed.  Maybe the garden will dry out by June :sick .  Anyhoo, the pullet chicks I ordered were easter eggers, light brahmas, isa browns, barred rocks and australorps.  DD wanted to buy bantams, which are only available SR, so she ordered 7.  Chicks arrive April 15 -- just have to go to the feed mill to pick them up.  It sure is loud in there with boxes and boxes of chicks stacked up waiting to go to their new homes!
Very nice! You still interested in lemon cuckoo orps this year if I get a good deal?
Hey, all, thought I'd pop in and say hi. :D I've been busy, busy, busy between classes and spring chores! Luckily, I've been checking in on y'all, so I don't have a million posts to read. ;)

I did unfortunately lose two hens a couple weekends ago. My dear red sexlink, Flicker, who I had mentioned was internally laying, was not well as a result and we ended up putting her out of her misery.


The same day, I went out to tuck the hennies into bed for the night and was shocked to find my little Sebright, Amy, laying awkwardly by the nests. She must have fallen and broken her neck or something. :( My beautiful little Amy.


But the rest of the girls are doing just fine and we've begun free-ranging for the year at last! It was rainy today, but a few days ago, having not seen dry earth in a while, they all immediately created a mass dustbath when I let them out to free-range.



My splash Marans, Frou-Frou. I don't think she knew what she was doing. :lol:


I'm up to 19 eggs a day on average. The girls got busy! I've also been hearing robins and frogs calling and found a salamander in the chicken yard the other day (well, saved more like. Rangi was gonna eat it!). I have so much cleanup I need to get done--after the snow melted, it revealed all the feed bags and other things I had missed picking up before! But as long as the snow's gone, I don't much mind! :D Hello, spring!

Well, I'm off to bed now. I'll finish off this post with the most adorable little birdy ever, my last remaining golden Sebright, Rosie. :love Isn't she the cutest?


Good night everyone! :)
Hi I am new to this and have bought 60 Cornish X for meat purposes. I was wondering if anyone lives near me that has a Chicken plucker that I could borrow or rent for a weekend in the coming months to clean my chickens? I live right at the state line of Michigan and Indiana in Niles. It's right by Notre Dame in South Bend if you are not familair with the area. Thanks for the time. Also attached is a picture of the little chicks

Brian ~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread! You're welcome to join us anytime. We have another honorary member from Michigan. To find out more about our thread, please see page 2428.

O and Morgan County Feed store in Martinsville has a sign posted to place your order/request for chicks. They don't have any yet so if there's something you want maybe give them call to get the details.
I've been thinking that the Farm Stores in Indiana that sell chicks would be wise to read our Indiana thread for tons of free marketing information about desired breeds!!
Probably a bad idea of moving birds outside yesterday. The 3 of the bantam Cochins were sitting outside soaking wet! The haven't grasped the concept of the coop providing warmth and dryness! Need to go back out to make sure they didn't go back outside. If they have I'll be bringing them back inside.
bradselig ~ My six hens have never caught on very well to that concept! They tend to go under the deck, but water drains between the decking, so they end up wet. When they went in the coop for the night this evening, I turned on a heat lamp for a half hour while I gave them some bedtime snacks.
I am planning on moving the chicks out to the coop on Saturday. Not sure how that will go because they were so nervous about the storms tonight while in their human bedroom that I had to shut the window blinds!

raisemright ~ What a cutie! We love seeing all of your baby goat photos -- and cute children. Thanks for sharing.
Hi all! What's new with everyone? I haven't been on here for long long time. I am very happy that the snow is gone
. I will have to post pics of my ducks Beetlejuice and Lydia. They are both Pekings and very big fat ducks. I also still have my Ringneck doves for sale. Here are the colors 7 Blonds, 1 White, 2 Wilds and 5 Bull-eyed whites. $15-$20 each or $280 for all. No trades and pick-up only.
Birdylady ~ Nice to hear from you again. You'll have to post pics of your Ringneck doves since we don't see dove photos posted very often.

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