Looks like i need to edit my breeds of flock in google docs. Its been awhile. I do not have a few of the breeds now but have several others. Lol

sent from your friendly neighborhood poultry raiser! cluck... cluck...

UGH.. me too.
Love those feet, adorable!
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Wanted to welcome any new members and posters I may have missed

Been crazy busy working on the property. Lot of trees down, have a huge cottonwood to take out where the new coops will be going.
The tree is just massive, and the branches alone make a normal sized tree. Dreading the work involved to clear it.
Its rotting out, and looks hollow so it has to go before it falls on the house.
Started seedlings, have tomato, peppers, squash, cukes, pumpkin and a lot of other usual seeds.
Several tree seeds. We are adding pecan, pawpaw, apple, pear and cherry.
First Muscovy egg yesterday, and first guinea egg today

Everything is now laying but the peas, I won't know for another year what I have, cocks, or hens.
They are such a quiet graceful bird, love to watch them. ( I know, wait til they are mature
Snoodles & Snickers my young BR turkey tom & hen are their best buddies with the peas, they all grew up together.

I have actually almost filled the sportsman.. no kidding. Goose eggs take a lot of room! Lots of pekin eggs too.
My Embden pairs are looking 100% fertility, about 90% on the Chinese. My Africans just haven't figured it out yet, goofy things.
One of my lavender orp hens has laid 2 days straight! Will be doing fertility checks this week! Finally!!!
Not seeing the rooster very active so I may have to swap him out. I kept 4 roosters I liked for their color, combs, size and temperament.
Out of the group of 15 I bought, I had 3 hens. Lost one to the fox last year, so these 2 are really precious to me.
No hen luck on that group!
leslea ~ Saturday and Sunday will be sunny and nice! Perfect weather to get started.
Today MUST be the day. It must, it must.

Sounds like great weather for spring cleaning, too. I plan on doing deep litter, too. Would you mind possibly sharing some before and after pics so I have some idea what I'm in for?
Ok. Here is what I have available to bring with me on the chicken train.

4- 1yr old naked neck hens $10 each laying nice large brown eggs
3- 8 wk old blue cochin pullets $10 each, 3 for $25 PENDING
1- 1 yr old Tolbunt Polish Rooster $10 (doesn't have good enough color for my breeding project)
3- 2-5 week old blue bantam cochin chicks $5-$7 depending on age
1- 1 yr old Birchen Marans roo $5. Very nice roo, never acted aggressive. Just have too many Roos.
2 pairs Birchen Marans chicks around 4 weeks old. $10 per pair
1- 6 week old silver laced wyandotte cockerel $3
2- 3 week old easter egger/olive egger chicks $3 each. These are from either legbar/tolbunt mix or legbar/marans mix
Does anyone on here have a dark egg layer and/or a blue egg layer? I'm willing to pay 20-25$ for for a pol bird, I don't need sq I just need pretty eggs. Please please please.
Does anyone on here have a dark egg layer and/or a blue egg layer? I'm willing to pay 20-25$ for for a pol bird, I don't need sq I just need pretty eggs. Please please please.

I have been trying for a while to get a CCL female chick in hopes of getting blue eggs. I have 2 easter egger hens laying blue green eggs right now. My 4 yr old has claimed every green egg I brought inside. While the green eggs are not nearly as large as the brown eggs from my red star hens, it is worth it to see my child so happy.
Come fall, there may be a few CCL breeders that will have pet quality CCL hens they need to cull. But now is chick season for most breeders.
Hi, everyone. I am in need of a Salmon Faverolle roo. Preferably young. Mine was lost in shipping. So, now, I have lonely young ladies with no boyfriend. Thanks everyone.

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