Had a great time at the show yesterday and got to see a lot of beautiful birds. Picked up this awesome pair of tolblunt polish for @pbirdhaven and I love them, they are so unique in their coloring. Meet

PEBBLES AND BAMBAM ( they were a little camera shy this morning).

it was also nice to meet one of my fellow BYC members, and put a face to the name. Hope everyone has a great day. On our way out to pick up a new coop, will post some pics of it later!!!!
they are Beautiful, and I like the names too. Congrats on the new coop, cant wait to see pic's.

Too bad about the other two Ams, but you at least got one. And the Plymouth Rocks, are they some of the HUUUUGE ones like what were in the show?
I think I finally have someone else in my family on board with the idea, too! Mom and I were talking about raising some meat birds, we've both just got to get up the gumption and do it. Personally, I decided a few weeks ago that I had had enough of the commercial chicken industry, and I haven't eaten a factory farmed chicken since. Still struggling to get the factory farmed eggs out of my diet, though. I have a few things that I'm just weak for. One of them is cookies.
But this one place that sells REALLY good cookies is selling cookie mix now, so I can use my girls' eggs in them.

I forgot to dump the Guineas' water bucket last night and it had ice on it this morning! UGH!
I saw them for sale as I was going through, such beautiful birds!
Ice, snow, cold and all the other things that come with winter, I CAN really do without.!!! I always gain 10lbs in the winter!!!
That's odd that you have a mean rock. Is she hatchery stock? They are the only ones I have seen have aggression problems. They are a very sweet breed.

Surprisingly one of my smaller loads home from this show. I only showed 6 chickens, so I didn't take my enclosed trailer. Big mistake considering how cramped every thing was on the way home. The cage strapped to the roof made an annoying whistling sound all the way home.
Yes they will have very good size to them. At 6ish months they are bigger than hatchery birds and still have a lot of filling out to do. All rocks should have that giant look to them.
yes 3 of them are still hatchery birds, I am slowly weeding out any and all hatchery, The bully is 1 of the 3 I have left from RK or maybe it was TSC??
I think I finally have someone else in my family on board with the idea, too! Mom and I were talking about raising some meat birds, we've both just got to get up the gumption and do it. Personally, I decided a few weeks ago that I had had enough of the commercial chicken industry, and I haven't eaten a factory farmed chicken since. Still struggling to get the factory farmed eggs out of my diet, though. I have a few things that I'm just weak for. One of them is cookies.
But this one place that sells REALLY good cookies is selling cookie mix now, so I can use my girls' eggs in them.

I've been getting my chicken direct from farm in Syracuse...folks I know how they raise them. Probably not too far from you and I can give you directions if you're interested in the meantime.


Unless something prevents it, I'm going to do my first batch of meaties next spring...going to put them in the chicken shed (the one that I have photos posted of) early I think. Going to try about 20 the first time and see how it goes. (The layers are still in the barn.)

So...trying to decide if I just get cornishx or freedom rangers, etc. @PeacefulWalls has a source for organic F rangers.... I may check them out.
Hawks are thick. While I was at work the ladies had a very close encounter (neighbor saw it and told me). For about 3 days they have not come out of the barn except for about 1 ft. from the door (if at all).

Smart birds - and did well to escape harm, but they're probably going to restrict themselves to indoor living - though I give them the choice.

On the chicken shed they have a net covered run that they can stay in if they choose. I've never put any kind of run on the barn where they are right now so it's either "in" or "out". Maybe I'll make them a covered area just outside so they can get some sun if they want. The "little woods" is not too far outside the door and it works for cover most the time. But now that the leaves are falling, things are getting "thinner" in there. Though there are low bushes they can get under, I think it's more "unnerving" to be able to see your enemy overhead without the denser leaf cover.


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I have some "extra" dry dog food, I think it's Purina something or other. It comes in a really nice plastic container that I like for waterers. It's been on sale at RK, so I picked up a couple, really only wanting the container but getting the dog food too. We don't have a dog anymore so I won't use the food bit thought the chickens might enjoy it.

So, is there any reason dry dog food wouldn't be a good protein booster for chickens/turkeys? I think it's listed as 24% protein, I can't remember for sure. So many of my birds are molting right now I figure they could use a little high protein treat.

I plan to soak it in a little warm water and throw them a cup or two a day.
I have some "extra" dry dog food, I think it's Purina something or other. It comes in a really nice plastic container that I like for waterers. It's been on sale at RK, so I picked up a couple, really only wanting the container but getting the dog food too. We don't have a dog anymore so I won't use the food bit thought the chickens might enjoy it.

So, is there any reason dry dog food wouldn't be a good protein booster for chickens/turkeys? I think it's listed as 24% protein, I can't remember for sure. So many of my birds are molting right now I figure they could use a little high protein treat.

I plan to soak it in a little warm water and throw them a cup or two a day.

Lots of folks use dog or cat food as a treat for the flock - lots of chickens, given the opportunity, also take it upon themselves to raid the dishes of any outdoor cats/dogs around the farm.
MAN!!!!!!! I just went out to open up the houses and such...................... I had to BREAK ICE!!!!
NO I'm not ready for that BC!!!!!!!

Had a great time at the show yesterday and got to see a lot of beautiful birds. Picked up this awesome pair of tolblunt polish for @pbirdhaven and I love them, they are so unique in their coloring. Meet

PEBBLES AND BAMBAM ( they were a little camera shy this morning).

it was also nice to meet one of my fellow BYC members, and put a face to the name. Hope everyone has a great day. On our way out to pick up a new coop, will post some pics of it later!!!!

Lovely birds! I really loved their colors when I kept them.
Does anyone on here have, or know of someone who has any Naked Neck Turken chicks or juveniles for sale?
I looked up the breed, I have Naked necks but not the Turken specifically. One hen is a turken, the roo and 2nd hen are NN.
Quote: I found the cornish cross do pretty well if you free range, or put them in a portable tractor and keep it moving daily. I do ferment the feed for them and that does seem to help too.

Hawks are thick. While I was at work the ladies had a very close encounter (neighbor saw it and told me). For about 3 days they have not come out of the barn except for about 1 ft. from the door (if at all).

Smart birds - and did well to escape harm, but they're probably going to restrict themselves to indoor living - though I give them the choice.

On the chicken shed they have a net covered run that they can stay in if they choose. I've never put any kind of run on the barn where they are right now so it's either "in" or "out". Maybe I'll make them a covered area just outside so they can get some sun if they want. The "little woods" is not too far outside the door and it works for cover most the time. But now that the leaves are falling, things are getting "thinner" in there. Though there are low bushes they can get under, I think it's more "unnerving" to be able to see your enemy overhead without the denser leaf cover.


I have seen a lot more this week also. Lots of night predators moving around too, I was out checking the piglets last night and saw a few possum and raccoon around the yard.

I have some "extra" dry dog food, I think it's Purina something or other. It comes in a really nice plastic container that I like for waterers. It's been on sale at RK, so I picked up a couple, really only wanting the container but getting the dog food too. We don't have a dog anymore so I won't use the food bit thought the chickens might enjoy it.

So, is there any reason dry dog food wouldn't be a good protein booster for chickens/turkeys? I think it's listed as 24% protein, I can't remember for sure. So many of my birds are molting right now I figure they could use a little high protein treat.

I plan to soak it in a little warm water and throw them a cup or two a day.
I use it when they are molting unless I have game bird feed on hand. If you ferment it its even better for them.
Yes they will have very good size to them. At 6ish months they are bigger than hatchery birds and still have a lot of filling out to do. All rocks should have that giant look to them.

Ah, for some reason I thought it depended on the line. I suppose, I only have hatchery bred Plymouth Rocks. By comparison to even the hens in the show, my girls are pretty small! :eek:

Ice, snow, cold and all the other things that come with winter, I CAN really do without.!!! I always gain 10lbs in the winter!!! :he :rant :mad: :tongue

Yuck, yuck, yuck, and all other yuck! My least favorite time of the year! :tongue


I've been getting my chicken direct from farm in Syracuse...folks I know how they raise them.  Probably not too far from you and I can give you directions if you're interested in the meantime.  


Unless something prevents it, I'm going to do my first batch of meaties next spring...going to put them in the chicken shed (the one that I have photos posted of) early I think.  Going to try about 20 the first time and see how it goes.  (The layers are still in the barn.)

So...trying to decide if I just get cornishx or freedom rangers, etc.  @PeacefulWalls
has a source for organic F rangers....   I may check them out.

I'd love directions for the farm in Syracuse. :) That's not far at all for us!

I think when it comes to it, Cornish cross would be best for me, at least to start. Less of a chance to grow attached, you know... :oops: That's my big problem with these birds.

Hawks are thick.  While I was at work the ladies had a very close encounter (neighbor saw it and told me).  For about 3 days they have not come out of the barn except for about 1 ft. from the door (if at all). 

Smart birds - and did well to escape harm, but they're probably going to restrict themselves to indoor living - though I give them the choice.

On the chicken shed they have a net  covered run that they can stay in if they choose.  I've never put any kind of run on the barn where they are right now so it's either "in" or "out".  Maybe I'll make them a covered area just outside so they can get some sun if they want.  The "little woods" is not too far outside the door and it works for cover most the time.  But now that the leaves are falling, things are getting "thinner" in there.  Though there are low bushes they can get under, I think it's more "unnerving" to be able to see your enemy overhead without the denser leaf cover.

I've had a hawk lurking around for a while. I didn't see it for about a week, maybe two, and then it was back a couple days ago. :/ My girls seem to know what to do, and Reuben keeps a good eye out for it, so I haven't lost any to it yet. I hope it moves on soon with an empty stomach! :tongue

I looked up the breed, I have Naked necks but not the Turken specifically. One hen is a turken, the roo and 2nd hen are NN.

Actually, Turken and Naked Neck are two terms for the same bird. The term 'turken' came about from the mistaken belief that they were a chicken-turkey hybrid. Naked Neck is the more appropriate term and does not facilitate that confusion. :) I'm not sure that they are an actual breed, since the majority of them seem to be mixed colors, but a lot of people refer to them as Transylvanian Naked Necks. It's more like frizzles, though; it refers to the genetic trait and not the actual breed. (There are frizzle Cochins and frizzle Polish, for example.)
In-laws stopped in for a bit today and seemed really impressed with how friendly my birds are

They liked my fancy eggs too. They only had brown layers (barred Rocks and RIR mixes, mostly) and always bought straight run for the few years they were into chickens. MIL always wanted Australorps and Orpingtons because they have big, sweet meaty roosters and good mommy birds who are good broodies and layers. They were both quite impressed with how friendly and beautiful my Aussies and Orps are, too, which I'm sure made my girls happy too. I've been a vocal proponent of chickens as therapy, but they don't want to get back into poultry.

On a funny note, my tiny Silkie hen squatted in front of me this evening. Should hopefully get some eggs out of her (and Brienne the Brahma) soon, but I'm not sure if they'll be fertile because all the roos go for the bigger ladies. It's funny about my Silkies' names, too, because her name is "Dumpling" and his is "Noodle" but I wind up calling her "Liza" and him "Noisy Boy". Blargh.

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