I am looking to expand my flock this spring. I'm not picky really. This is only my 2nd year of having "my girls" but am thinking barred rocks or orpingtons. I would also LOVE to get a frizzle and something with the mottled look. Does anyone have any suggestions on colored egg layers? Does, or will anyone, have chicks to sell up up near Rochester? I would be happy to purchase them from a nearby and fellow chicken lover, rather than order from a hatchery!

I should have some extra chicks around February 9th. I have 25 eggs in the incubator right now. Not all sure what I have in there right now but should be a few from each breed I have.
Ok need some advice. I just got home from work and my wife informed me that our Tom turkey got hit today by a tanker truck. He is alive and seems fine but we think he broke his leg. Im thinking its broke at the hip tho because when i looked at it , it just felt loose like he couldnt move it at all around the hip. What should I do? If he survives and it dont heal then i will have a one legged turkey. He was going to be our breeding tom. Our hen turkey is all upset now and wont quite crying out for him. I put him in a closed up pen in the barn with plenty of hay for him to keep warm. If he looses his leg I think he would have maybe a suffering life because I dont think he will be able to fly around and land right and as far as mating dont think he would he would be able to do that. So i guess what im really asking is Do I just see what happens and maybe he will be fine with one leg as a pet OR do I put him out of his pain and his suffering long term?
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Ok need some advice. I just got home from work and my wife informed me that our Tom turkey got hit today by a tanker truck. He is alive and seems fine but we think he broke his leg. Im thinking its broke at the hip tho because when i looked at it , it just felt loose like he couldnt move it at all around the hip. What should I do? If he survives and it dont heal then i will have a one legged turkey. He was going to be our breeding tom. Our hen turkey is all upset now and wont quite crying out for him. I put him in a closed up pen in the barn with plenty of hay for him to keep warm. If he looses his leg I think he would have maybe a suffering life because I dont think he will be able to fly around and land right and as far as mating dont think he would he would be able to do that. So i guess what im really asking is Do I just see what happens and maybe he will be fine with one leg as a pet OR do I put him out of his pain and his suffering long term?

aww i am so sorry. You have to judge for yourself, is he suffering? Its that fine line between "pet" and Livestock" too. Its never an easy choice for sure. Turkeys are slow growers, makes it a lot harder decision to make. If he isn't obviously in pain, wait a day or so to decide.
Well, after my yapping about the cold, we lost a chicken last night (1st year white rock). :( She was fine when my son gave them some scratch and checked waters around 6 a.m. Then he went back out about an hour later to let them out and she was dead. We looked her over well and it looked like she had something going on with her vent -- maybe she was egg bound or prolapsed. We didn't notice anything wrong with her, but I haven't been hanging around watching them as much since it's been so cold.

I brought in a leghorn last night that I thought had some kind of problem, too. Maybe I'll go back to worrying. Ugh.
I am so sorry to hear. Hope the leghorns ok
Lost my black copper Marans roo over night. He had been acting lethargic but seemed better yesterday and was eating well. He was a really nice friendly guy and had shown well; going to miss him.

I still have a young cockerel penned that seems promising, and two cockerels running around that have side sprigs, so don't want to breed those. So hard to get the Marans going; they're susceptible to so many things. Still too new to the U.S. and not a large enough gene pool.
Everyone else seems to be handling the cold. They get upset when I take away their waterers in the evening but are sure happy when I bring them back. I have heated waterers wherever there is electricity but most have rubber pans. Forgot to close the overhead door in the big building--now I have to brave the cold again.

Picked up my unpasteurized ACV today; going to try the fermenting.

Oh no, so sorry to hear of your loss.

FF is awesome! you will be glad you tried it.

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