I went to my mother in laws today and saw Oliver the therapy chicken with his girls. The video is a little blurry in spots, but I think he is just the funniest rooster. He spends some of his day in the house visiting with Grandma, and the rest finding goodies for his big girls.
Wow. I laid off (get it? laid off) the eggs bc I am goin got the doctor for a check up next week. I suppose I can go back to eating my double egg with cheese sandwiches, with buttered whole wheat bread, in the AM. Eating those, I am not hungry at all until about 1:00. And I eat the breakfast at about 6:15 AM.

Talk to y'all on Sunday evening, GO COLTS!

Please, not 1,000 posts to read thru!!!!!!
Don't forget the side plate with a half-dozen or so strips of bacon.

Limiting your intake of cholesterol before visiting the doctor. Isn't that effectively taking the test results and forging the number? "Here's the number if I lived like you said I should, although I don't, so treat me based on that". Who do you think you are, me? Actually not. I don't give a d*mn. Doc said I was too high. I told him find a pill, if you must. I ain't cutting back on the bacon. Better living through chemistry. I think the clouds of Sevin dust are keeping me pestilence free. Ramble.

One of the EEs I just got from Darthlayer lays a white egg. Unless my rooster has finally decided to start pulling his weight around here

oh wait the roosters lay the double yolkers, it's gotta be one of the EEs then!
I'd say black sexlink too, looks like several of mine
brown eggs!

Actually I think that the monkey is one of the judges. Or maybe it's who took CCCC's subscription information!

My great dane, Zeke, was about 8 months old. Minding his own business chewing on his bone. Then the cat knocked down my plastic flowers. I cleaned it up right away. The next day, he was doing a lot of stretching, butt in the air, chest to the floor. Well, that is one sign of bloat in large chested dogs. He also didn't eat that night or the next morning. So, I called my vet, who happened to be at the state fair showing her cows. They got him in that am. He was seen by a brand new vet. Made me nervous lol. X-ray showed nothing. So they gave him a capsule to swallow. The did more x-rays. This time, there were little balls stopping at the exit of his stomach. So surgery. He really did nothing wrong, poor baby, but chew his bone. Those dang cats did it to him, or so he said lol. I missed a small set of leaves from those plastic flowers. They stuck to his saliva while he was chewing that bone. Then he swallowed. They closed over his stomach exit and wouldn't let anything pass. $1500 later. Oh and bless my vet, she drove home from Indy to do his surgery. She is a great dane owner as well, and doesn't trust anyone with them. We had him for 8 more years. Just had him put down this past January. His spine fused together and he was losing use of his back legs. Man I love that dog, miss him daily still.

Zeke was a counter surfer. He could get a stick of butter out of the cabinet. So no, we have no handles on the cabinets anymore lol. Butter and Italian food was his favorite! I'd make lasagna, he'd eat half before it even had a chance to cool. I finally had to clear off a spot on the fridge for my food to cool or he'd help himself. Silly dog, I tried those mice traps that have a plastic paddle on it to snap and make a noise, scare them away from the counter. I set them one day, I heard it go off and him yelp at the same time. He came running to me. It had snapped and got his lip, he had huge lips lol. He wasn't hurt, just startled. Didn't stop him. He became more determined to win. I finally just set things out of his way lol, much easier.

Still continued good thoughts for your baby, hoping things pass for her soon!

Aww, what a story, and he made it through with a long life after. Sorry you lost him. Great danes are great dogs. My parents used to raise great danes, when I was a baby and up until I was 7. My dads last one died when i was 10 or 11. One dogs got hit by a truck and had to have leg surgery, even with her sore legs she still let me climb all over her. That just shows how docile then are. The one that lived until I was 10 or 11, was named cheif. My mom would try and call him in and he would not listen to her. My mom would either call my dad and have him yell over the phone or have my yell for him! They I we had an older girl, her name was chealsy. I dont remember what was wrong with her but she got sick and just got worse and worse until we had her put down. When she was sick I would lay with/on her on the kitchen floor. Tons of more memories with those dogs. The next dog I get will be a great dane.
Today's gathering. My second EE finally laid an egg. Woohoo!!! And it's a green one. I think one of the other's came from the first EE but not blue or green. I was afraid I would have two EE's and no colored eggs.

Hi everyone, so sorry I have missed so many good posts. My youngest DD, thankfully only slightly bruised, was in a bad car wreck Wednesday night.
Been a very busy few days getting a rental car and estimates for repairs. If I missed a question please PM me, and hope to catch up soon.
Welcome to any new members to our thread
kiniska-- I'm in Louisville visiting my sister. I waved at you as I drove by the sign to English!

Kabhyper-- Cute video! What is the white ball thing that he was excited about? I'm using my iPad, which doesn't work well on the BYC site.

Hogster-- Sorry about your dog, but it sounds like Zeke had a good life. My husband's aunt and uncle had Great Danes for years, but finally decided that they couldn't go through another death since their life spans aren't as long as smaller dogs and they were prone to certain breed-related problems. They loved those dogs. They were sweet.

Danad-- Hoping the treatment works for your dog!
Jchny/Janet-- Oh my gosh! I'm glad Cassie is OK! Was anyone else hurt? That has to be so scary! So sorry to hear that.
No, it was just the 2 cars and 2 drivers. The kid was parked in the dark facing in her lane, NO LIGHTS. Its really dark out here at night! and that road has several dips.
By time she saw the truck and slammed on the brakes it was too late. She is a little sore today, but was only going about 30, air bag didn't even deploy!
His reason was getting the trash cans from the road.. really?? Oh my
it could have been so much worse! Her car actually went under the truck some.

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