Maybe call around to some local grocery stores and ask if you can take their older produce that isn't fit to sell any more. Tell them it is for your chickens. I bet they throw out a lot of produce that would still be fit for the birds. Just a thought and it would be free!
good ideal, I'm going to do that thanks

I found the right person at Perdue to talk to this morning and left her a message. Unfortunately when I went to check on Lucy, it was too late. I'm hoping they can test her if it was just last night that she passed.

I'm so sorry
I hope you don't lose any more, it sucks.
Weird... Works for me... Oh well, here's a picture!

Does anyone have any experience with these or know if by some magical possibility they are coon proof?

My dogs can get into those. they don't work IMO and exsperaince. ok mt spelling sucked on that and spell check don't have a clue...

Cr, I am so sorry you are going through this. This is a hard one. Here are several links with lots of info, from people who do have md in their flock.

IMHO I would take Lucy to Purdue. They can guess all they want, but you need answers, not guesses. Once you get the answers as to what is wrong with Lucy then you can make an informed decision. It may be lots of things as there are many thing that mimick md. There seems to be no one thing with mericks, different areas have different strains. Then people knowingly/un-knowingly sell/trade/give away their birds and if you didn't know you had md you've now combined flocks and strains. So it is very confusing. Wild birds carry it, heck even carries on the wind in the chicken dander. Not really much you can do. But at the same time there is a lot to do.

I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

Yes I agree worst winter ever, so dang cold. This is my first winter with chickens outside too. We got them last January and they were in the house for ever it seemed. Now they are outside in the coup and it's crazy cold! Lots to learn for us new chicken owners. You might want to grow some fodder for you birds. I'm starting that when I get home (at my moms in Michigan ATM) so they can get some more greens. Dh got laid off Friday so me buying the extra veggies at the store for the chickens is done for now. Great idea on the store front with the old veggies (on my iPad, it didn't pull up the quote I think it was m2h suggestion. It was chick rookie who suggested, but still thanks to m2h for all you do). I will be doing that myself. And If I get something they shouldn't have off to the compost it goes. So win win IMHO. Thanks for the idea!

On to you dh. I am so sorry to hear he had an on the job injury. My dh did as well about 3 years ago. He was off work for a year and 10 months. He actually amputated His thumb. The company he was working for (nuclear plant in Michigan) took really good care of him once they found a hospital who would treat him. Being injured at a nuke plant scares a lot of people lol. They re attached his thumb, he lost the first joint so it doesn't bend anymore But he still has it and can still use it to some degree. Lots of therapy.

If there is anything I can help with, please just pm me. And I'm praying for a speedy recovery for your dh.
Thank you for the prayers, he is going to need them, I dont work, I am a stay at home "farm maker" so its is going to be really tight round here.

I do the grocery store thing..I call local shop n save. They occasionally have kale. They still charge me but only .10c a bunch!!!! Th girls love kale!!!
that's a good Ideal I'll do that.

Sorry about your DH's job. Here's hoping he finds something wonderful soon.

And speaking of work, M2H, I noticed you said you did freelance work. Writing? I was a freelance journalist for years before I started publishing fiction. Please tell me you write about chickens!

DH didnt lose his job, he got hurt on the job, as soon as he gets better he can go back to the same job, it's just going to be a while.
lilmizcareall ~ The link took me to Lowe's home page, too. I bet bradselig had something to do with that! lol
I haven't seen that type of lock before. It looks like it has a spring gate similar to carabinger lock.

chick rookie ~ Here's a Carabinger Lock:

I'm starting to re-think using spring locks because raccoons can figure out most locks and I read that they can remember how to use them for up to three years! (They probably carry a tiny manual around--lol). I suppose that a lock with key or a combination lock would be the most fool proof.
those locks don't work!! my dogs got in with those. if the dogs can do it I know a coon can. I use a snap lock in daytime, and a key pad lock at night.
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Re: The Springy Eye Hook Thingy
We have two on the run, one on the human access coop door(Also know as the HACD). The HACD also has a sliding lock. You have to lean on the door to open or shut the the HACD to allow the sliding lock to maneuver in and out of position. I'm sure my husband, the woodworker, did that on purpose to actually make the coop more secure... :D
The run is usually open during the day, at which point, they are not in use. At night the chicken door is locked from the inside... I don't really like how it's locked, but it'll be addressed this spring.
good ideal, I'm going to do that thanks 

I'm so sorry :hit  I hope you don't lose any more, it sucks.

My dogs can get into those. they don't work IMO and exsperaince. ok mt spelling sucked on that and spell check don't have a clue... :oops:
those locks don't work!! my dogs got in with those. if the dogs can do it I know a coon can. I use a snap lock in daytime, and a key pad lock at night. 

Good to know! On that note though... How did your dogs get past them????

I'm hoping the bit of engineering we did while installing them will help... You will occasionally hear me screaming at the eye hook thingys.
"We have a really cool Japanese Maple that always has seedlings if anyone wants any. It will be several months, but I can dig them up and save them."

I am definitely interested in getting some seedlings!
racinchickens ~ I bet that does save a lot of energy. The only reason I don't hang clothes/bedding outside is because of allergens adhering to fabric. We have enough allergy problems without sleeping in sheets coated with pollen. I used to get cat-allergy injections-- well, I couldn't get rid of my cats as the allergist suggested!

I am also allergic to pollen and cat dander. My cat, Moggie, was 10 the first time an allergy doctor told me, "Get rid of that cat!" Five years later I got a new allergy doc who said the same thing. "She's 15," I replied, "She can't be around much longer." Well, she lived to be 20!
I was at Martinsville Rural King today picking up some chicken feed and saw a paper posted in the feed section. Said they would be getting their first batch of chicks for Valentines Day. Seems a lot earlier than most years, I thought they usually got chicks in April?

I think it said the first batch would be RIR, BR, ISA brown and EE pullets. It also mentioned something about special orders for rare breeds. (Dont know what those breeds are)

Just in case anyone is waiting on chicks thought I'd pass this along.

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