M2H ~ about the yoga mats, I'm thinking a chicken would scratch holes in them, maybe not new chicks but any chick old enough to try a dust bath.
If it was me and if I wanted to keep chickens in an entire room:
I would try to save money and use a tipple layer of flattened thick cardboard boxes the ones people might choose to use for a brooder box for a week. Duck tape those together at the seams once you have them laid on the floor and up the walls about a foot or so. Then you could treat the entire room like a giant brooder box. Personally I would line the top of the cardboard with plastic then wood chips or sand of some sort. The plastic should not touch the hardwood floors though because it would trap moisture there, plastic is only about 99% water proof, and there is moisture in the air that could get trapped between the floor and liner as you put the liner down.
I’m trying to catch up with the thread! I had to make a 24 hour trip to Indy on Tues./Wed. for a medical treatment. Not a big deal, but there’s only one doc in Indiana who does treatments. I was diagnosed 11 years ago with a neurological voice disorder called Spasmodic Dysphonia. Researchers don’t know the cause, but at least it doesn’t typically get worse or is fatal. My brain tells my vocal cords to close when I talk, which makes talking sound like I’m being strangled since I have to force air through. My voice started getting hoarse and I attributed it to allergies. Then it started getting shaky like I was nervous and it was getting more difficult to get certain words out like I was out of breath. Luckily, I went to an ENT doc who hadn’t been out of med school very long, and she knew exactly what it was. (I’ve read about many people who were told they had anxiety, etc. and weren’t diagnosed for years-- you know how that happens to people). Thankfully, there is a treatment. I go to IU Hospital every three months where an ENT and a neurologist inject botox through my neck into my larynx on both sides. Then I have a normal voice until the botox starts wearing off. I’ve had ups and downs over the years since treatments aren’t an exact science. It’s tough when you can’t communicate! At times when my voice hasn’t been treated, I’m constantly asked by anyone and everyone if I’m sick or nervous (people are so dumb). When I go to IU Hospital, it reminds me how much worse off I could be when I see all types of terribly ill patients. Anyway, it’s “rare” (meaning not enough interest to support research). A few famous people have SD, which helps publicize it. Robert Kennedy, Jr., Diane Rehm from NPR, and Dilbert creator Scott Adams.

Anyway, I felt bad about not offering my services for the Chicken Train, but I had to make a quick trip because of my chicks at home. DH did a great job, though. I was afraid I’d return to mayhem since I’ve sectioned off part of the bedroom so the chicks can have their dog kennel door open all of the time. Today after I cleaned their cage, I put some small, live crickets in to entertain them. I shut the kennel door so I could clean the floor, and after they caught the crickets, they were lined up at the door like they were in prison saying “Let us out!!” They are so spoiled! It’s my fault, I know.

I’ve been putting newspaper down on the wood floors and then putting paper towels on top so they won’t slip. It stays nice and clean for about a minute! I’m thinking of getting yoga mats or something like that to use that can be washed off. Does anyone use something rubbery like that? The paper gets scooted over and then they poop on the wood floors. CrazedChick, wooden floors aren’t easy clean-up. I had to use a putty knife in some places. When they move from that room, I’m going to have to clean dirt from ceiling to floor since I’ve let them take dirt baths in a plastic box. A fine coating of dust gets everywhere!

Here's photo of my hens who all had to lay at the same time in the same box in the garage when they have two nesting boxes in their coop!
RIR my infamous floppy-combed Nene, BR Tweedy (wearing tweed) and SLW Lacey's in the front.

sorry you have to go through all that, but glad to hear it is not fatal.

Is that a SLW? I'm trying to learn chicken breeds... so sorry if I'm off base.
Thats wired they wont lay in they coop but will in the house... they are just house hens!!!
Hey ya'll! I am loving this warmth. The mud, not so much.

My EE, Einstein has a boyfriend! He has been coming over from the property next door, crossing the creek to come visit her. I believe he is a Marans. He is huge and has seen a few winters because I noticed his comb is not just one big nub.

He kind of growls at me when I come to close to either of them. I had a talk with him. Told him he'd have to be nice otherwise he's getting the boot!

At least E has company until the chicks get bigger!
that's cute that E has a bf..
but I would have a stern talk with him. lol

Ahhh! I love warm weather!
ok another question??? what do the x's on some of the eggs mean??

This would be the first time. It has been two days so I'm not feeling very hopeful.
that she comes back soon safe and sound.
that's cute that E has a bf.. :love  but I would  have a stern  talk with him. lol 

ok another question??? what do the x's on some of the eggs mean??

:fl  that she comes back soon safe and sound.

Likely for incubation purposes. I do since I hand turn. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of which side try are on.
M2H- when I used to judo, I bought these mats to practice on at home. They were like really thick foam. Now my nieces use them in a play room. Thy have spilled stuff on them and have easily cleaned up. Except for the on marks thy piece together like a puzzle, but all the piers are the same. Some come in themes but you can get them in plain colors. I will try and find a picture if what I am talking about later. But I think those would work good. I have never heard if anything like you described with voice, must be very rare indeed. Glad that thy have a sort if solution and you are able to coop with it.
ok if you remember I got some chicks from RK ( couldn't help myself ) but I got 4 " Welsummers " but I was just on another thread and this person was showing pic's of her Welsummers... they didn't look like mine so I would like ya'll to check these out and tell me if I have Welsummers or if I have been told wrong???

that's cute that E has a bf.. :love  but I would  have a stern  talk with him. lol 

ok another question??? what do the x's on some of the eggs mean??

:fl  that she comes back soon safe and sound.
that is likely a "T" for tolbunt polish. I also mark the cochin with "C", showgirls "SH" or BSH depending on the pen, moderns are marked "Bir" for birchen pen and "BBS" for the bbs pen. I just mark them so I can keep them all straight.
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Likely for incubation purposes. I do since I hand turn. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of which side try are on.

that is likely a "T" for tolbunt polish. I also mark the cochin with "C", showgirls "SH" or BSH depending on the pen, moderns are marked "Bir" for birchen pen and "BBS" for the bbs pen. I just mark them so I can keep them all straight.
thank you both... I thought maybe they were bad eggs but then I couldn't figure out why they were being used... u can see my confusion.. lol
ok if you remember I got some chicks from RK ( couldn't help myself ) but I got 4 " Welsummers " but I was just on another thread and this person was showing pic's of her Welsummers... they didn't look like mine so I would like ya'll to check these out and tell me if I have Welsummers or if I have been told wrong???
Can you link where you saw the other chicks? I googled welsummer chicks and they look like yours, to me!

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