Well my EE that was suspected with meraks, got her lab work back, and nothing seems out of the ordinary the vet said, so we.both are not sure what's going on with her, she is submitting her case to Purdue and hoping for a reply, she is attempting to stand, but still can't yet, and from what I'm researching in my own I can't find anything similar to what she is displaying. :(

Here is my story of my ee pol pullet who one day just stopped walking.

I started her on vitamin b complex that I bought at Walmart, I also started her on the suggested flora-gen(I only had her on this for a short while) Had her on it (vit b complex) for I'm guessing 6 months. Today she is walking, running, pecking like normal. I stopped the vit b in December. I just added on crushed tablet to a waterer each day. Vit b is water soluble meaning they don't stay in the body long and need to be replaced. And if they don't need the vit b all extra is eliminated through their poo. So it won't hurt them any to get extra.

The people on that page, most do have mericks in their flock. They are very helpful and knowledgeable. They may be able to help you out. Even more so than a vet as they deal with md every day and Purdue and Texas A&M on a regular basis, and the vets normally don't.

I think my girl got into something. We had a chicken, who was killed by our dog, necropsied she was neg for md or any other illness. I have had no other illness since. Wait one, sour crop. Which is roaring it's ugly head again. Will probably just put her down.

Good luck with you girl, and check in with that other thread, they are wonderful people!!

tHIS IS A NEW rOO THAT CAME WITH THE NEW ONES i GOT YESTERDAY ( sorry didnt see caps ) he is free to anyone that wants to come get him THIS WEEK END!!!!!!

this is a very MEAN Rooster!!!! He needs to go into someones pot. He will be culled and burned if I get no takers. and I don't blame you if you don't want him, just giving the chance.
tHIS IS A NEW rOO THAT CAME WITH THE NEW ONES i GOT YESTERDAY ( sorry didnt see caps ) he is free to anyone that wants to come get him THIS WEEK END!!!!!!

this is a very MEAN Rooster!!!! He needs to go into someones pot. He will be culled and burned if I get no takers. and I don't blame you if you don't want him, just giving the chance.
what breed is he? sent from your friendly neighborhood poultry raiser! cluck... cluck...

I want as many different colors in my flock as I can get as well as eggs.
Yesterday I got one of those e-mails from a friend of a friend of a friend.... this couple is thinning out their flock and heard that I need hens and he had 16 I could have if I wanted them. He said they were all just barnyard mixs and still laying but a few were 3 years old.
Well I'm sick of eating store bought rubber eggs so we went and got them, I thought I had really lucked out and got some Americana's, these grils have the ear muffs, beards and Slate legs.... I was so excited
but..... this is what I got this morning when I went to check on them,

got 2 of them , and they are big ones, so I'm still happy cause they are still Beautiful. o and one of them is solid white... yea!!!

I don't know what 1/2 of them are so guess would be great... and the Rooster and the hen together, that is the Rooster that is going. does anyone know what the hen is??

and the eggs I got already today
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:pop I want as many different colors in my flock as I can get as well as eggs. Yesterday I got one of those e-mails from a friend of a friend of a friend.... this couple is thinning out their flock and heard that I need hens and he had 16 I could have if I wanted them. He said they were all just barnyard mixs and still laying but a few were 3 years old. Well I'm sick of eating store bought rubber eggs so we went and got them, I thought I had really lucked out and got some Americana's, these grils have the ear muffs, beards and Slate legs.... I was so excited :woot but..... this is what I got this morning when I went to check on them, got 2 of them , and they are big ones, so I'm still happy cause they are still Beautiful. o and one of them is solid white... yea!!!
I have an EE that's solid white like that. I got her from DarthLayer she gives me a white egg when she lays. :)
I got 4 LF cochin babies today! They are having a little pasty butt, so I put electrolytes and probiotics in their water. I have been cleaning hineys since they got here. Also 2 of them have big scabs on their navels. If I leave them be, will they heal okay? Oh yeah and my little cochin bantam I thought was black is getting barred wings. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
Went to Menard's and bought some building supplies for my new pallet coop! I know its a pallet coop but I am making the floor out of new lumber. If the weather is good for me this week I will start the foundation and floor. My oldest chicks are getting almost big enough to move out of the brooder. So I need to get this done quick, fast, and in a hurry
I need to get some updated pics of them posted soon. they are looking great. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

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