Proud Mama today....

DD's class had to make shoe box dioramas this week. Each student was assigned a scene from the Bible. She got the nativity. She didn't want to re-do TP tubes (that's so last year!) or the well over-done Lego people. She decided on egg people. I taught her how to blow the eggs & helped with the hot glue gun. I think this will be saved for a 4H project entry & also used as a Christmas display.

Of course, that's if the eggs make it. Our dog has earned the nickname: "the dog who ate Christmas," due to the numerous ornaments, baked goods, & handmade gifts that he has devoured over the years. He is obsessed with eggs. The Nativity scene is already packed in the backseat to keep it safe until morning.

Baby Jesus is a tiny pullet egg.

A few downy feathers were used for misc hair.

The animals were made from egg cartons..... She just had to include a hen. LOL

These two are my favs.
I am going to look into it more. I have a very handsome roo, with great temperament. One hen is double dosed and all her chicks are NN. My other hen is single dosed and has the bib. Roo is bibbed also. The second hen has a striking barred pattern., hen #1 is the common wheaten/brown color.
I'm wanting to have a few hens to lay some standard sized eggs and maybe start my own Showgirl line.
Ah, for some reason I thought it depended on the line. I suppose, I only have hatchery bred Plymouth Rocks. By comparison to even the hens in the show, my girls are pretty small! :eek:
Yuck, yuck, yuck, and all other yuck! My least favorite time of the year! :tongue
I'd love directions for the farm in Syracuse. :) That's not far at all for us!

I think when it comes to it, Cornish cross would be best for me, at least to start. Less of a chance to grow attached, you know... :oops: That's my big problem with these birds.
I've had a hawk lurking around for a while. I didn't see it for about a week, maybe two, and then it was back a couple days ago. :/ My girls seem to know what to do, and Reuben keeps a good eye out for it, so I haven't lost any to it yet. I hope it moves on soon with an empty stomach! :tongue
Actually, Turken and Naked Neck are two terms for the same bird. The term 'turken' came about from the mistaken belief that they were a chicken-turkey hybrid. Naked Neck is the more appropriate term and does not facilitate that confusion. :) I'm not sure that they are an actual breed, since the majority of them seem to be mixed colors, but a lot of people refer to them as Transylvanian Naked Necks. It's more like frizzles, though; it refers to the genetic trait and not the actual breed. (There are frizzle Cochins and frizzle Polish, for example.)

Some lines aren't quite as big a others. But they should be large birds. Hatchery birds in most breeds seem to be smaller than what they should be.
My Mom & Dad -in-laws dog, Suzy is staying for a while with us. FIL is going through chemo for his cancer, MIL is just overwhelmed, so we are taking care of her until Dads better. She is a Boston, and she and my Pug Sadie are playmates and best buds. Sadie is very perturbed however. Suzy does NOT like any type of bird! A guinea flew into the dog run, and Suzy went after it in a flash. The dogs had a disagreement over it, UGH. Sadie is very protective of the birds.
So, I have my work cut out for me....

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