I don't think I'd be able to tell if someone was going to turn out to be a bad home. My screening is to talk live on the phone with anybody before I give them my address. If their voice/speech/phone manners gives me the creeps, then I would just find some excuse to tell them no, and not give my address. I do realize that that's really not much of a screening process. But so far I've found most people who are willing to actually speak turn out to be (SEEM) pretty nice. A lot of the text-only types never make it to the phone call stage, and that's just as well.
Just a shout out and thank you to @JanetMarie ! Got to meet her and her husband, got a tour of their place, and a rosebush to boot!!!!

Thank you, again! We really enjoyed meeting you both! And I love your very friendly birds and your setup.

And a question I forgot to ask. Where will the new babies go when they're ready to integrate?
I have not been on here for awhile. My daughter being in a theater production followed by all of us getting bronchitis (again) and trying to finish the home-school year out strong has not left much time for fun (or sleep)!

So, I'm hoping someone can help and point me to the right person. I can't for the life of me remember who was making the chicken shirts (I do remember you work in Broadripple!) and since I have not been on here I have no idea if any post was made on if the shirts are ready yet. I only ever communicated via post, not pm so not sure who it was. I am thinking maybe @hbrown322 - is it you??

But now I can't even figure out how to mention someone on here- I click on the name but it doesn't seem to do anything. Don't quite have the energy for figuring out all the new stuff right now!

Here are my newest loves: Daisy (5 weeks), Cookie and Bubbles (6 weeks). They just moved into the outside brooder yesterday- too stinky inside and maybe it will help my bronchitis to have them out there!


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I let the birds out into the garden in the spring and fall but it is open overhead so they are nervous (rightfully so) of hawks. This spring I rigged up a tarp with bungies and step-in posts. So here's a photo, uploaded and chose the 'full image". :)

I don't think I'd be able to tell if someone was going to turn out to be a bad home. My screening is to talk live on the phone with anybody before I give them my address. If their voice/speech/phone manners gives me the creeps, then I would just find some excuse to tell them no, and not give my address. I do realize that that's really not much of a screening process. But so far I've found most people who are willing to actually speak turn out to be (SEEM) pretty nice. A lot of the text-only types never make it to the phone call stage, and that's just as well.

That's pretty much what I do when selling chicks. A few years ago I once made the horrible mistake of putting out an ad for a free rooster. OMG All the crazies were calling. One man kept my number & called again the following year asking if I had any free roosters. (not chicks, not hens- only wanted roosters) Gave me the creeps. After I brushed him off the second year, he didn't call back.

Now: As soon as I know a chick is a male, he's offered as a free packing peanut to anyone buying chicks who can legally own roosters. I usually can find someone who's willing to grow them out & likely process them when big enough. Or, I could process them myself around 9-10 weeks. They're small but much bigger than processing quail & don't yet crow. It's harder emotionally, but at least I know they lived & died in the same place where they were hatched & raised.
That's pretty much what I do when selling chicks. A few years ago I once made the horrible mistake of putting out an ad for a free rooster. OMG All the crazies were calling. One man kept my number & called again the following year asking if I had any free roosters. (not chicks, not hens- only wanted roosters) Gave me the creeps. After I brushed him off the second year, he didn't call back.

Now: As soon as I know a chick is a male, he's offered as a free packing peanut to anyone buying chicks who can legally own roosters. I usually can find someone who's willing to grow them out & likely process them when big enough. Or, I could process them myself around 9-10 weeks. They're small but much bigger than processing quail & don't yet crow. It's harder emotionally, but at least I know they lived & died in the same place where they were hatched & raised.

Yeah I might end up doing that, we raised and processed turkeys one year when I was growing up. I would definitely rather have them be food than end up in a shady situation. But I am literally talking like 2 roosters, and afraid they are too much of "pets"
Here are some active brooder pics from the day. I put them in as thumbnail, so you can enlarge if you want to see them.

Oopsie hatched a few eggs & then adopted all my incubator chicks as well. I already had a few older chicks & 2 quail in the brooder when I moved the broody in. She immediately adopted them too. 21 total tonight, but the number is gradually decreasing as they get sold.

1- Shows the wide age & even species range (Two 5+ week chicks, 4 wk = 1 chick + 2 quail, 2.5 wk, & 2 wk chicks. _
2- A 5+ wk silkie & 4 wk old lav orp. Any guesses on silkie gender?

Bed time pics:
Can you see the Spitz poking out from the wing? Also look closely at all the little feet under her. Basically most of the chicks are extremely curious, so they come running out to see me as soon as they hear me coming.

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