Indiana ChickenStock 2011 ~ Mooresville, IN ~ CANCELED

Where is Moorseville in relation to Anderson. I would love to come.

I would have a FREE white rabbit with gray spots and red eyes. He was a birthday present for my son last year, but he just doesn't get enough attention. I will bring food & dispenser, hay, water bottle, and his orginal small cage. He's too big for it, so he would have to be moved to a larger location.

Any takers??
What time is a good time for shoppers to show up? We won't be able to stay all day because of other commitments, but I want to make sure we get there in time for a good selection
mick&cori :

Where is Moorseville in relation to Anderson. I would love to come.

I would have a FREE white rabbit with gray spots and red eyes. He was a birthday present for my son last year, but he just doesn't get enough attention. I will bring food & dispenser, hay, water bottle, and his orginal small cage. He's too big for it, so he would have to be moved to a larger location.

Any takers??

How big is he, and do you have a picture of him? My 6-year-old has been looking for a bunny for a long time now.
Do you know what breed he is?​
****************************Ok everyone sorry to have to do this but I MUST postpone Chickenstock 2011 till next month.. we'll go for the second Sat of the month tho so SEPTEMBER 10th is the new date for chickenstock. Sorry but after my dr appt today I was advised against doing much anytime soon as little one can come ANYDAY! I am at 37wks and have been having contractions for going on 2 weeks now looks as tho I am progressing and looking like Im not going to hold out much longer so I am so sorry but it will be delayed till September.

Thank you all for understanding!****************************
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