Infected Eye?


13 Years
May 23, 2007
Hi everyone,

I have a chick who is almost 6 weeks old and I do not know what is wrong with his eye. I've noticed for the past 2 weeks, his right eye is sometimes closed (very short periods of time) and on the inner corner of his eye is pink. That eye is not as open as his left eye at all. I don't see any other signs than that. He seems to be eating just fine and active too. Any suggestions what it might be or what I can do for him?

Ah here is the info! Lol.
Have you checked to see if anything has scratched the eye, or if it may have something stuck in the eyelid?
Would you be able to post pictures at all?
Well it does look puffy. Maybe it is a type of sinus infection? Or a reaction to much dust?
How is the ventilation where the chick is being kept?
What I would do is wash it with warm water and put her on some antibiotics.
Is it just the eye? Or is anything discharging from its nose?
Him and his sister are in a big box in our dining room.....the box is about 4 1/2 feet tall....we don't want our cat thinking she can hop in there too! I don't see a discarge from the nose but will keep a look out for that. Where would I get antibiotics and what kind of dose. The vets around here treat cats, dogs, horses and cows, that's it.
Him and his sister are in a big box in our dining room.....the box is about 4 1/2 feet tall....we don't want our cat thinking she can hop in there too! I don't see a discharge from the nose but will keep a look out for that. Where would I get antibiotics and what kind of dose. The vets around here treat cats, dogs, horses and cows, that's it.
That sounds like the ventilation is fine, and yes kitty snacking is not a good thing!
What kind of shavings, hay, or paper are you using for her bedding?
And it does not look like the eye is scratched at all right? I once had a hen who's eye swelled up like a balloon all because of a tiny nick right at the corner of the eyelid.
I would go to a local feed store and ask them for poultry antibiotics, or antibotics safe for poultry, also search threw the forum.
I am not familiar with any off hand as I have never had to use them.

*Anyone want to pop on here and suggest any?

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