Infection on rooster

Does anyone know what this is on my poor rooster's butt? And how to treat it? I put vetricyn and triple antibiotic cream on it. I think I had the same thing on a pullet last year and she died
I can't see the chickens butt end in your avatar and no pic uploaded yet so hard to tell, the have a gland back there though in that area that is usually the cuplrit if I remember right
Sorry! I forgot the upload. gah, face palm!


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Ok! Never TMI, just wanted to know the neighborhood lol!
That looks fungal to me, i'd try athletes foot cream on his tush.
Maybe swap and do hydrocortisone cream at night for the swelling too.
It looks itchy, poor guy.
It's right above his butt hole/ vent even the hole itself has rough swollen skin. Sorry for the tmi
I had mites that I noticed on the poop board so that's why I saw this spot on him today because I sprayed everyone down with elector psp. Otherwise it's hidden under his fluff and he never bothers with it or acts differently. I didn't see mites on any of them or any other spots on him or any others.

Will try the foot cream tomorrow thank you!!!

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