Info? Cayuga Ducks


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2016
Vale, NC
Looking into getting 2 or 3 Cayuga Ducks. We have a big chickens coop area which we have a pond and will put a dog house for the ducks to stay in instead of the chicken coop. Wondering what your thoughts are on males or female? Is one better than the other? Such as tame,affectionate, pet like? We have two kids also who are looking forward to raising ducks. Thanks :)
They are made friendly very easy.The drakes are just like any other drake.Never have had hens though so it would be something to search.
It all depends on genetics and how you raise them. I've had Cayugas, their temperament is like nearly any domestic duck breed. If you want them to be very, very tame, then get hatching eggs or day olds, and then spend a lot of time handling them every day so they get used to you.

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