Info overload re: using antibiotics

I wouldnt use Frontline plus. I used to work for a kennel and they would never use that on female dogs because it can cause birth defects. They would use Advantage on the females only doesnt cause birth defects. Of course thats in dogs but I would think the same could happen in chickens as well. The vet told them this and other breeders that experienced problems. You can do your own research of course.
That's very interesting. I haven't read about using Sevin or Frontline before.

Now I am going to sound like a real wimp: They are so strong and fight so much when I try to handle them that I am afraid I am going to hurt them or stress them out too much.

Does the Sevin get down to their skin just by sprinkling it on them?

I'm in central OH.
I'm not an expert on the topic, but I am not so sure you will visually be able to see the worms. They start out life in the intestines, but then travel to the trachea. It's been several years since I've seen a bird with this, but the open mouth, neck stretched out, difficulty breathing is a good clue and I vividly remember it! It can be treated with medication, but it's been a few years & I don't remember the details. Hopefully someone else may. That's just one possibility it may be.
I dont think that you will hurt them or stress them out for the few minutes it takes to doctor them. I grab mine under the breast and hold theirs legs so they fill supported and usually I dont have any problems. Oh and hold them close to me so they dont flap me to death. They are usually pretty calm handling them this way.
As for the Frontline us guys out here in California [where the bugs never die
] have been using it with no problems. Also the frontline PLUS is the ONLY one that kills lice.....just saying is all................

The easiest way to hold onto a skittish birdie is to wrap them in a towel. If you cover their face and place them on their back they just relax and makes it alot easier to administer meds etc.....

As for the SEVIN, after I sprinkle it on, I do the ruffling of the feathers to get it down into the skin. Sometimes you get lucky and birdie flaps around--so they do the work..... hope that helps.....

I've had some of the same symptoms in my chickens and contacted our local Extension office. They told me to clean the coop by letting all my chickens out for the day, raking all the hay out then spraying everything top to bottom with a clorox solution (1 cup to 1 gal). Also, they told me to get an antibiotic and follow the directions on the bottle (Sulmet; water soluble type). The guy at the Purina store told me to put salt all over the floor of the coop, as well as, lime (not for sickness but for odor) then could cover back with fresh hay. After doing this, they do seem to be acting better and haven't heard any sneezing/wheezing in the last couple of days.
Hope this may help.
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