Injured chicken


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
I have a chick that has been attacked by a dog she seems to be doing good but has a sore on her wing. I have Veremycin ( hope I spelled that right) or do I need something different.
That's fine, Clean it with something mild, soap and water is fine. She will be "in shock" for a while, maybe a couple of days. If you leave her with the flock, watch closely at first to be sure the others don't peck the wound. You will have to separate her if this happens. Or, you can use BluKote, an antiseptic that also discourages pecking with its blue color. Sometimes they do better off by themselves in a quiet place, and sometimes they do better staying in the flock.

She will be sort of in shock for a while, maybe a couple of days, maybe longer. It may take her some time to eat and drink normally. If she won't do either, drop some water along the side of her beak, a drop at a time, and she should draw it into her mouth. She could have other injuries, internal ones, too.

Good luck with her!
Thanks! It is actually my daughters chicken and I have brought it to my house and have it seperate from everyone.

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