Injured duck, what is wrong with her?

Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
May 31, 2019

Does anyone know what’s wrong with my duck? The last couple days she hasn’t been acting right. Once in a while she will flap her wings and walk a little with the wings out and then sit down. Her legs and flippers are very warm too. Thank you
Have they been laying eggs? What do you feed them?
Are the two drakes beating the girls up bad?

Yes they have been laying. I feed them “country lane 16% layer pellets”. The drakes are not beating them up to badly yet.
If there isn’t anything outward then possibly. Wouldn’t hurt to have her inside anyway to make sure she is eating drinking and also to see how her poop looks a pic of poop would Be a good idea too. If egg bound a good warm soak is a good idea.
I’d def bring her inside where you can observe her up close check for injuries or could she have gotten into a toxin? If female when did she lay last?

I don’t really have any place to put her inside right now. But I am keeping her and another duck in their house during the day with the window open and getting them out a few times to swim.
I don’t think she could have gotten into anything toxic. We use almost everything naturally and We don’t spray our yard with chemicals. I don’t know when she has layed an egg last we have 6 females in the same house so I’m not sure who is laying right now. We have been getting between 1 and 3
Eggs a day.

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