Inside chickens?

I don't have it yet, I wasgoing to get two from my uncle's girlfriend, but one got out of the pen and was eaten by stray dogs. She has another four she said she would give me when they get a little more mature, and eventually when more hatch she said she would be willing to see about giving me more. We are going to wait till we see how my stuff fits in the house, I might have an entire room that's empty for them.
Just curious, are you renting or buying this house? Cause if you are renting, the owner might have some very strong objections to keeping chickens inside. Stick your head inside a chicken coop and check out how much poop is in there and how it smells. Also, why wouldn't you build a fenced area outside for the chickens to protect them from the cats? You could put up a temporary inexpensive fence if you are renting. Or, even if you are buying, then gradually make improvements and help reduce the cat population.
There's a lot of people saying that cats will not bother chickens.
That is true if you have intimidating adult hen with the chicks,
not if you only have chicks.
If you only have chicks, the cats will attack them.
I speak from experience.
About keeping the chicken inside the house:
I think you should let them outside.
The chicken will be much happier outdoors.
Same about getting multiple chickens.
Get a few.
*dramatic bow*​
There's a lot of people saying that cats will not bother chickens.
That is true if you have intimidating adult hen with the chicks,
not if you only have chicks.
If you only have chicks, the cats will attack them.
I speak from experience.
About keeping the chicken inside the house:
I think you should let them outside.
The chicken will be much happier outdoors.
Same about getting multiple chickens.
Get a few.
*dramatic bow*​
*aplauding from afar* LOL
So as a health and safety officer in 4-h I am supposed to tell you no... Because not only is it a problem you but for your bird as well.... For yourself you could get a upper respiratory infection and for your bird because it's not outside it could get a vitamin deficiency which could lead to a serious problem called Rye Neck and if you don't treat that at the first sings unfortunately the birds will most likely die.
Is completely depends on your your unique situation. Some may have disabled birds as happy house pets, because they cannot live successfully with other birds. This is just one example. Chickens are social creatures, so it would be better if you could get more than one. I'll make a list here:
Do not keep indoor chickens if:
-You or someone you live with/visits regularly has an allergy to chickens or chicken dander
-You do not like mess
-You live in a rental/council house
-You do not have a room/area of the house that you can section off for your chickens to eat and drink in
-You do not have the money to invest in a diaper(But even if you have a diaper, it is not good for the bird to have a diaper on 24/7, take it off at night, and for a couple of hours during the day)

Situations where chickens will be better indoors:
-You have very little to no backyard, but still want chickens(apartments and such)
-You have a disabled bird
-You live in your own home
-You have an area that would be appropriate for them to eat and sleep

I hope this helps! I say go for it if you are ready for a commitment like this. Al the best :)

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