instruction manual


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Does anyone have the instructions for the TURN-X TX8 Incubator? I teach kindergarten and we want to incubate eggs to study the life cycle of a chicken. I have everything ready, but no instruction for this incubator. I called my local Ag extension agent, but they no longer have the instruction manual? Please help!! I don't want to have 16 disappointed 5 year olds!!
I have and I found it, but it's 7.95...which is fine, but they have to mail it...I need instant download....
Sorry you didn't get any help with this. I have no idea as I am not familiar at all with the machine you mention. I think I have seen them listed on eBay...maybe if this were to happen ever again an answer might be to message the seller and see if some kind soul could assist you with what you need. I think there was one for sale only this past week. It seems to be a nice machine. I'm disappointed you didn't get a better response here, and I'm certain you are too. It's happened to me before also...
Good luck.

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