
Aug 2, 2019
I have an adult male and female guinea. I had a small flock but gradually lost a the others over the years.

Those two have been alone for a while and while they do fine together, they'd likely do better in a group.

I picked up 6 keets and raised them in a brooder, then put them in a temporary coop/run stationed with a clear view between juvenile and adult.

They were there for weeks, hopefully getting used to one another. Then, they were crated in the same run as the adult guineas.

They ate and drank across from one another for a few days.

Now, moment of truth. I've opened the crate and allowed the young ones to gradually come out and explore.

I'll be keeping close supervision for a while.

If everything goes well, they will be allowed to free range in the near future.

Any tips? Am I missing something?

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I think your guineas will do wonderful with the new flock! Your guinea keets are also beautiful. You integrated them wonderfully, and if they are moving together that probably means that they have been accepted into the guinea couple's flock.
Thank you for the kind words and support. The little ones spent a couple days with the adults... then went rogue! All 6 little oned are tight knit, but they seem to do their own thing and return to the adults when it suits them.
Thank you for the kind words and support. The little ones spent a couple days with the adults... then went rogue! All 6 little oned are tight knit, but they seem to do their own thing and return to the adults when it suits them.
That's so funny! I would like to hear updates about them. I've never seen any guineas in the colors that you have.
That's so funny! I would like to hear updates about them. I've never seen any guineas in the colors that you have.
They're doing well! Very pretty birds. Very active.
I've only ever seen Pearl Guinea fowl in the past, but Rural King had different ones this year! So I picked up Lavender, White, and Royal Purple.
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