Integrating new chicks

Super Admin

13 Years
Dec 26, 2006
Hello all. Our broody hen sat on 9 eggs and only two made it.

So...we bought some baby chicks and put them under her. She has taken well to them, all but one. I have one little old baby that she just was peckin at and was not nice. Well I brought that one inside over night and was wondering if we should try again. Anyone have any experience with this?
We have a very lonely 2 mth old, sole survivor of a batch of 6 eggs, that we have not been able to integrate with our two 3mth old birds...They peck the crap out of her!...I've asked this question a few times here and never get responses...

Our solution to our problem is wife is going for a 3hr round trip tonight to pick up 3 new babies(1 2mth old and 2 1mth olds) to give her a companion her size and 2 smaller ones she can peck the crap out of!...THEN we unleash the 4 of them on the big birds and it'll be on like Donkey Kong! LOL

I'll be looking forward to more helpful responses as well, good luck!

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