International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Blaze attacked my husband at the door. He got out and attacked some more. My husband came in the house carrying Blaze by the legs. I thought for sure he was going to end him. My husband carried him around for a while. I told my husband I heard that if you carry him around by the feet. You could break him from attacking. So he did that for a while but felt bad and didn't want to hurt him. So he would be upside down for a while. Then he would hold him upright for a while. Then back upside down. He was afraid he would aspirate or suffocate. So far Blaze hasn't been at the fence attacking. Not even attacking when he was in the pen.

great new . never heard about this method ,hope does work ,
chooks man
Chooksman, I have a feeling this will be a problem for some time to come. Jasper looks good I think. I think him breed to the right hen might be the best bet.

we have to know witch hen is responsible for the parasitic white .
I always said we need to know the mother of the chick .when some thing like this happen ,we know witch hen to remove from the pen .
If Jasper is clean then mate him just to a BC hens not a BLC hens .
we know one of the BLC hen is responsible ,better to keep cockerels from the BC hens .
we have to see how the chicks grow up .but keep the chicks from BC hens well marked ,so we can fellow them up as they grow .
every thing is fixable with good breeding program .

chooks man

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