International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Great, thanks! I thought they were supposed to be solid copper with no darker areas at all. Is it OK for females to have this in their hackles also?

Glad his body is shaping up, he's got a good demeanor (so far) too.
I kept him over the 2 blues I had(not sure you remember them).
Only problem with this guy is he's the one with the Withered Wattle,
thus renamed from Thor to Willie (of the Withered Wattle).
Doesn't really matter as I'm not going for SOP.
Time will tell(~next June) if that wattle is an injury or genetic.

good on you .it is the best way to find out if it is an injury or genetic .
even if it is genetic ,he has so much good to offer ,they dwarf the deformed wattle .

good luck with your work .

chooks man
my youngsters are 20 and 21 weeks old. 2-3 pullets have pale earlobes. I think 1 of them has white ear lobes and for the others I am not sure as their faces are still pale, the same colour as ear lobes. at what age should should their ear lobes be red?

I normally wait tell the point of lay .when they faces are all red .it is the best time to see the true color of they ears lobe .
some times when they are young and they faces look pale it is hard to tell the true color .

don t rush the thing up .let them grow for more few weeks .

photos please .

chooks man
Sorry..not good pictures.
What do you think of my 21 week old (almost 22 week) BCM cockerel.

What do y'all think?


Again, sorry about the bad images.

Please, do ask any questions and/or tell meif i need better pictures.

Thank you,

Not an expert but just want to say - wooooooweeeee look at that comb!!!! Nice rich copper color too. My marans are much more feathered on the legs but I have read a hen can influence that in the chicks so not too much worry. Curious what the resident experts think.
Hensndoespost: 19014805 said:
Not an expert but just want to say - wooooooweeeee look at that comb!!!! Nice rich copper color too. My marans are much more feathered on the legs but I have read a hen can influence that in the chicks so not too much worry. Curious what the resident experts think.
Thank you Hensndoes! :D
Sorry..not good pictures.
What do you think of my 21 week old (almost 22 week) BCM cockerel.

What do y'all think?

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Again, sorry about the bad images.

Please, do ask any questions and/or tell meif i need better pictures.

Thank you,


he is sublime .love every thing about him .
great body type
lovely rich copper
gorgeous comb
well colored eyes
nice long back
well spotted chest
nice small tail at the right angle
well colored shanks and well feathered .straight and well spaced
love his clear ( coppery) ears tufts

what he need is more copper on the shoulder and I see one white feather on his tail ( if it is not the light reflection )


this guy has all what he need to put some color on the BCM pullet hackle .

chooks man
he is sublime .love every thing about him .
great body type
lovely rich copper
gorgeous comb
well colored eyes
nice long back
well spotted chest
nice small tail at the right angle
well colored shanks and well feathered .straight and well spaced
love his clear ( coppery) ears tufts

what he need is more copper on the shoulder and I see one white feather on his tail ( if it is not the light reflection )


this guy has all what he need to put some color on the BCM pullet hackle .

chooks man
Thank you chooks man!
I am so happy to hear (well, see) that you like him.
The white "feather" you see in the last photo is where his feathers are kind of parted and the Light Brahma behind him is showing there.

I am going outside now to het some pictures of my younger cockerel and pullets.

Thanks again,

On this guy I am concerned about his legs/feet and comb. I hen with a good comb would fix his though. He is 19 weeks and is surprisingly from a breeder. :/


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