International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Just had to post this photo of this lovely hen, it is from the Marans Club of France.
French marans Club de France


Identical my friends .
I do no fellow any facebook ,they have no clue what that are talking about .

stick the original if you ever want to breed a proper marans chooks .

for me it is easier because I speak French and deal with them ( Monique Bertw .Philippe .Emille Guerinel .Syndicat of the true marans hens etc.............) every day ,so I don t need any translator .
I get my information straight from the source .

US SOP is identical to the French ,it is just peoples interpretation .

RedBank is alright .

chooks man
RedBank hen
Chooks man hen

Chooks man hen

all this type of tails are true marans tails .close at the top and wide at the base . witch give the the Pyramid shape when look at from the rear .
open at the base not at the top ( fan tail is a defect ). short not long.

it is only by selecting hens with a small short tail .wider at the base and closed at the top ,we ll be able to produce cockerels with stunning short full tail .
other wise the cockerels tails will suffer and become too long .

chooks man
his body pattern is coming along nicely ,but his copper is dark type ( Mahogany ) not good for showing .
for breeding this type of copper is used to correct the lighter Straw colored type.

chooks man
I don’t show, but I do sell hatching eggs. The reason I was hoping to use this cockerel was for the dark egg he came from. A solid 7. I don’t have any pullets/ hens with light hackles, they’re all the proper colour

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