International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


here a good one minimum fault and easy one to breed out . extra feathers on his shanks causing the thigh to be fluffy ( this 2 genes are related ) and his comb is not great .


that how the marans cockerels should look like GREAT TYPE well put together .
great back nice and wide all the way through well colored free from fluff well connected to the tail.
Great tail Angle /shape and form
nice strong head
nice eyes
nice wattles
nice small folded ears lobes nice and red .
nice ears tuft color a little darker but he has the colored chest to correct it .
Great neck medium strong and well colored Great copper.
gorgeous red shoulder well uniform not split
wing well held tigh to body giving his vigor and strength
nice coppery lancet they are going to be great when mature .
well colored shank correct length .

Chooks man
Ah 5.1/2 month old than he is a big boy .he has a lot growing to do .

if you are breeding from hatch eggs are they from a same breeder ?

chooks man

No they came from 2 separate breeders. 1 was reputable and the other a local back yarder when I knew alot less. The sire was the one selected from 14 locals. The hen the only one hatched.
Good day to you all!

I spent the morning sitting in chicken poop and behaving like the paparazzi.
He is a ham! This is the same boy that was posted on the other thread. I figured I will show and tell one at a time.

I am embarrassed to say that they are all battling fowl pox we have had an awfully wet summer and mosquitoes the size of small dogs.

I shot a bunch of pics in their pen which is under a big oak tree for shade which is why I had to use a flash. The photos without the flash are pretty grainy. I think I kept one.

So without further ado meet 5 1/2 month old Henri again in all his glory.

Good day to you all!

I spent the morning sitting in chicken poop and behaving like the paparazzi.
He is a ham! This is the same boy that was posted on the other thread. I figured I will show and tell one at a time.

I am embarrassed to say that they are all battling fowl pox we have had an awfully wet summer and mosquitoes the size of small dogs.

I shot a bunch of pics in their pen which is under a big oak tree for shade which is why I had to use a flash. The photos without the flash are pretty grainy. I think I kept one.

So without further ado meet 5 1/2 month old Henri again in all his glory.
Don't be embarrassed about fowl pox. I don't think we (in the south) stand a chance. It is very hard on the wild turkeys here and it decimates them. I have seen a mosquito carry off a small chick! The mosquitoes spread it like wild fire. I had dry pox and aside from the ugly we came out okay.
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Don't be embarrassed about fowl pox. I don't think we (in the south) stand a chance. It is very hard on the wild turkeys here and them. I have seen a mosquito carry off a small chick! The mosquitoes spread it like wild fire. I had dry pox and aside from the ugly we came out okay.
This is the only pen that has it this year. Lol, chick carrying skeeters I can well believe. We don't really have the Mozzies in England so they were a shock when I moved here. I haven't experienced the wet variety, thank goodness. I dusted off my fancy camera for these pics sometimes even the best phone just isn't good enough.
Good day to you all!

I spent the morning sitting in chicken poop and behaving like the paparazzi.
He is a ham! This is the same boy that was posted on the other thread. I figured I will show and tell one at a time.

I am embarrassed to say that they are all battling fowl pox we have had an awfully wet summer and mosquitoes the size of small dogs.

I shot a bunch of pics in their pen which is under a big oak tree for shade which is why I had to use a flash. The photos without the flash are pretty grainy. I think I kept one.

So without further ado meet 5 1/2 month old Henri again in all his glory.

With the better lighting I actually think he is a really handsome guy!

I saw where you mentioned that he is just a little over 5 months, that great, chooks is right about him having good size for his age.

I am not very experienced like many of the others on here, I need to put a disclaimer under all my evaluations haha.

I add my thoughts on what I think I see and then wait to see what I got wrong, I think I learn best that way.
Hey Chickapee,

Here is my critique:

Head - Good shape, strong
Comb - good size/shape. Comb should be of average size.
Wattles - On the large size, Wattles should be of average size.
Ear Tufts - He appears to have copper colored ear tufts (good). Please confirm. You want to avoid dark colored ear tufts as he will produce pullets with no copper hackles.
Eye Color - Inconclusive because Pics are too dark or camera flash. Eyes should be orange and bright. You want to avoid dark colored eyes.
We need a good close pic of his head so we can see eye color, ear tuft color and to see if comb shows evidence of side sprigs, etc.

Body Color - Really nice copper hackles and saddle fearhers, nice red shoulder, lower body has a good matte black color.
Body Type - Appears triangular, good size but lacks mass and depth
Chest - Shallow. You want a full, deep chest.
Back - Appears he has a short back which causes the tail to ride high
Tail - Tail angle is greater than 45 degrees. 45 degrees are slightly less is preferred.
Leg Type - Long legged. Legs should be of medium length with good mass.
Leg Coloring - Good slate color. You want a medium slate/gray color with pink undertones (skin beneath the scales)
Leg Feathering - Looks good to me.

My opinion is he has more good qualities than faults. If you breed him to a hen(s) with overall good type/mass, long back, average sized comb/wattles then a fair amount of his progeny should be of good type, mass, coloring, correct tail angle, etc. Did you hatch him from your own stock or from eggs you purchased? If from your own stock then my question would be is he of better quality than his sire? If the answer is yes, then I would breed him. I would suggest single mating (1 cock x 1 hen) so you can better track which hen corrects more of his faults.

As you will learn on this thread - most faults can be corrected in a few generations with selective breeding. Chooks Man is our mentor and resident geneticist so he can help you match your hens with this cockerel.

Good Luck,

Nice job!

I agree and learned some things from your evaluation too.
I agree these pictures are sharper. I thank you very much for your feedback.

This is his dad, he was very dark, and he grew those white tail feathers after I hatched the babies,
his mother is molting I will try and get a photo later, but she is looking rough. Poor girly.


only thing I ll correct is ,his back is not short causing the tail to be at the highest angle. his back is correct but his tail is too high and a little longer ,
I ll mate him to a hens with a smaller tail at the lower angle. they need to have mass .

I love his red copper and his black. his chest is gorgeous

chooks man

Good to know and learn the things I didn't get right.

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