International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

@Chooks man is your handy man greek or albanian who came to greece and learned how to pet the tools for at least 2 hours of a working day? sounds familiar to me, I had a greek worker who was sitting under the olive tree and counting how little money I was going to spend to build a house from scratch. then he brainwashed the other one who worked well at the beginning. I had to fire him. later I got an albanian guy to paint first 2 rooms and he petted them for 3 days. my mother who is in her 70's could not stand it and painted the rest.

btw, post more pics, I do enjoy watching them. especially of the chickens that you corrected the faults. marco's and luna's mother had a very bad comb, totally bend like leghorns. luna has a bit s'shape comb but if it stays like that I call it improvement. I will wait a bit and post pics later. I am afraid that all of spring chicks here will always have big combs due to heat.
@Chooks man is your handy man greek or albanian who came to greece and learned how to pet the tools for at least 2 hours of a working day? sounds familiar to me, I had a greek worker who was sitting under the olive tree and counting how little money I was going to spend to build a house from scratch. then he brainwashed the other one who worked well at the beginning. I had to fire him. later I got an albanian guy to paint first 2 rooms and he petted them for 3 days. my mother who is in her 70's could not stand it and painted the rest.

btw, post more pics, I do enjoy watching them. especially of the chickens that you corrected the faults. marco's and luna's mother had a very bad comb, totally bend like leghorns. luna has a bit s'shape comb but if it stays like that I call it improvement. I will wait a bit and post pics later. I am afraid that all of spring chicks here will always have big combs due to heat.

Hi Chickengr my handy man is Italian
today from 9 am tell 3.30 pm he did manage to put 4 sheet of play wood and managed to cut 1 sheet in half.
I took photos of what he done today . no much at all .
I find it very amusing .I m going to keep him . he make me laugh .
today he had a working orange shirt and on it was a logo saying ( Rooster traffic control ) he was proud showing me the logo and telling me he is in charge today of the roosters , he is a boss .
I told him when you finish the work in the nursery you can start constructing my breeding pens for the next year 2017 breeding season . a lot of time
he lives in different planet the poor guy .

very funny I don t need to go to the comedy show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

chooks man

the old man tom rooster look exactly like Zakari my BCM rooster I lost him before I could breed from him .
great body type
look at the old man tom rooster back is so long and flat/wide .
tail absolutely gorgeous all about it ,shape ( not too big not too small ) form ( short and wide at base ) and Angle 45 degree .
chest is soo wide and deep a lot meat there.
strong strait legs
very strong specimen need to be bred from .
me I did not had a chance to breed from Zakari . still looking for that body type

Do no kill him Old Man Tom please .

chooks man
Alright, alright you guys have talked me into it Squeek lives. That is what the wife and I call this cockerel. He is our first Black Copper Marans. My feed is cheap and I have plenty of room. Tom

Alright, alright you guys have talked me into it Squeek lives. That is what the wife and I call this cockerel. He is our first Black Copper Marans. My feed is cheap and I have plenty of room. Tom

Hooray!!!! Squeek is really nice! Can't wait to see a couple of generations down the road.
I have the same problem..... very hard to get the eggs to look like they really do.  My cuckoos lay 4s.  The BCMs continue to lay dark.  I lost one of my good pullets.  I was in the yard when it happened.  I saw the varmint running thru the weeds and went after him.  He dropped the pullet but he had already broken her neck.  I never saw the thing.  I don't even know what he was. Everyone is in lockdown again.  Very unhappy chickens.

I'm sorry for your loss :( that has to be so heartbreaking.
This is "Wry Tail" who would have been my 2nd choice and will sadly be heading to freezer camp. I am afraid that his cons out weigh any pros. But thought i would share so that you could see why I chose Henri as my main man. I have 5 other boys that also pale in comparison even if they do have a better set tail. They race around so quickly it is hard to get good picks.

This is "Wry Tail" who would have been my 2nd choice and will sadly be heading to freezer camp. I am afraid that his cons out weigh any pros. But thought i would share so that you could see why I chose Henri as my main man. I have 5 other boys that also pale in comparison even if they do have a better set tail. They race around so quickly it is hard to get good picks.

The most beautiful cockerel I had, had a wry tail. I wish I had known about Chooks Man before I rehomed him. Don't know what he would have said but probably something like, his qualities outweigh his faults.
The most beautiful cockerel I had, had a wry tail.  I wish I had known about Chooks Man before I rehomed him.  Don't know what he would have said but probably something like, his qualities outweigh his faults.

It makes me sad, especially when they are so beautiful. No one goes to waste around here. I haven't bought a chicken from the store in years.
Quote: That is something I just need to learn to do. When the pullet was killed by the predator the other night I came close. She was dead, she was still limp and I thought I should clean this bird and eat her. I called my neighbor and gave her to him but I am getting better about all this. I need to be eating them. I have given about 30 away.

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