International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


this 2 are a same cockerel .

correct me if I m wrong .

gorgeous specimen I ll comment on him later today .

chooks man
sorry this 2 photos are not a same cockerel .
one on the right with a tail down is a wheaten
the other one on the left with a tail up is a Black copper .

2 different cockerel .not a same black
not a same feet colors .
not a same hackle color .

make sure what you sending is not confusing for the beginner . cheers.

chooks man

that happens to me all the time. once I posted a pic of a cockerel that I rehomed later saying it was marco, lol. I realized that when I was sorting out the photos in my computer.
@Chooks man

I had a question regarding my Louisiana group of Black Coppers that my cockerel with vulture hocks came from. The only cockerel I kept from this group is the vulture hocked cockerel's full brother so he more than likely carries the recessive gene for vulture hocks. The pullets in that group came from different parents but within the same bloodline and I dont know if any of them are carrying the recessive gene for VH. How do I eliminate vulture hocks from this line? How would you proceed with this group? Single mate the cockerel to the pullets individually to test mate?

I understand recessive genes and know that recessive genes from both parents are required for the pairing up of the genes to express the VH as a phenotype.

I seek your guidance and wisdom.

*Hypothetically speaking for future breeding of this group.*
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@Chooks man

I had a question regarding my Louisiana group of Black Coppers that my cockerel with vulture hocks came from. The only cockerel I kept from this group is the vulture hocked cockerel's full brother so he more than likely carries the recessive gene for vulture hocks. The pullets in that group came from different parents but within the same bloodline and I dont know if any of them are carrying the recessive gene for VH. How do I eliminate vulture hocks from this line? How would you proceed with this group? Single mate the cockerel to the pullets individually to test mate?

I understand recessive genes and know that recessive genes from both parents are required for the pairing up of the genes to express the VH as a phenotype.

I seek your guidance and wisdom.

good question .

there is 2 way to fix any recessive gene from any line . a difference is a time each method will take to correct the problem ..

Method 1 = Correcting the fault but not breeding it out .this method is used wildly by the novice chooks breeders .this one take less time and produce correct progeny but still carries the recessive gene at the random paste .( this type of hidden recessive gene is ruled by the Atavistic Return low of inheritance ).
How this method can be applied ?
1) mate the chooks with a recessive gene to another chook without the gene = progeny will carries the recessive gene but doesn t show it ( because need 2 copies ,they have only one )
2) we choose the best one and mate him/her back to the Sire/Dam without a recessive gene =progeny carries the gene at low percentage .none of them will show it up .

we keep doing this mating. the correct progeny back to the correct sire /dam to produce the next progeny .

this population will always look correct but still carries a recessive gene at low rate and will appear when condition are alright .

the cockerel you have now .he come from a population of chooks deriving from this Method of breeding. they carries the gene VH at the low rate .

METHOD 2 = my favorite , this one does get ready of he recessive gene 100% . and the Atavistic Return of the recessive gene does not apply on the progeny coming out of this method .
this one is more of a true selective breeding ( all the chooks are part of the breeding program NOT only the perfect one witch we don t have any way .)

how we proceed =
1) we mate a related progeny ( F1 XF1 . First progeny..) with a recessive gene as Fault to each other = we get a true F2 second progeny. this population because nothing is added to it will have 25% expressing the Recessive Fault and 75% will be free from the recessive gene Fault .
2) we choose the best chooks from this . F2 second generation .the one s without a Recessive Fault and mate them to each other ( nothing added to them ) = we ll get next generation .F3 third generation . this population of chooks will not carries the recessive Fault 100% .the Fault or the Recessive genes are bred out for good .
3) from now on we can keep them pure or out cross them to restore any other desirable trait .

So it is up to you witch METHOD you prefer .

chooks man
I totally understand what you're all saying.

I agree, I wouldn't have purchased them, I just get excited seeing eggs that are so pretty and that come from birds that look so perfect haha.

Hi Braxton Bregade .

I like the Black copper rooster in your avatar . it is yours .if yes can you post some photos of him please .

I like his body type nice deep chest .

chooks man

First two are a couple of my wheatons second two are one of my BC hens next one is a BC hen and the last one is a Cuckoo.

I will get picture of Sheldon and Leonard tomorrow I have head shot I will try to pick them out tonight or get different one tomorrow.
they are all good marans type but I m having a problem to understand your Wheaten ,they seem to me not consistent .

looking at the photo of the wheaten cockerel you posted before and he 2 pullets in this photos ,they don t look to me they came from a same parents stock .all 3 of them have type but a problem is they body colors ;
Cockerel carries a white fluff recessive gene
Pullets on the top left photo .greatest type ,great red/brown hackle but she carries a Salmon e+ gene make in here under fluff grayish rather than cream .
pullet on top right .great hackle ,her wheaten carries a Black tail buff gene giving her a uniform buff color .

can you please explain to me what is your story with this wheaten marans .

the Black copper hen in in the second row of the photos , nice colored hackle .no much I can see about the rest of her body .

AH the Silver Cuckoo pullet bang on the money ,my favorite .great plum type . she walk well .
welll feathered shank , and nicely colored ( light not dark )

Better photos of them individually please . and they story .

for me to help you I need to know the story of the chooks other wise doesn t work to comment on a random photos .

chooks man

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