International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I didn't start out by kicking him. He was my sweetheart, and I treated him like a prince. I dunno, maybe that was the problem when he first attacked. I'd just been hand-feeding him, then I stood up, turned around, and he came at me. I was completely stunned, as I'd never seen an ounce of aggression in him before. I thought maybe I'd startled him or something, so I let it go. After that, he wouldn't let me pick him up at all, or even come near him, without trying to attack. At first it was just half-hearted attempts to peck at my boots, but lately, he's been slashing at me with his spurs. I have to kick him back just to get in the pen to change the water. He's out for blood, and today, he got a lot of it.
I didn't start out by kicking him. He was my sweetheart, and I treated him like a prince. I dunno, maybe that was the problem when he first attacked. I'd just been hand-feeding him, then I stood up, turned around, and he came at me. I was completely stunned, as I'd never seen an ounce of aggression in him before. I thought maybe I'd startled him or something, so I let it go. After that, he wouldn't let me pick him up at all, or even come near him, without trying to attack. At first it was just half-hearted attempts to peck at my boots, but lately, he's been slashing at me with his spurs. I have to kick him back just to get in the pen to change the water. He's out for blood, and today, he got a lot of it.
well, different from my experience.
marans chicks are hatching

I found 1 this morning, 1 just hatched, 1 hatching!

my last araucana egg fell into the marans shell and couldn't hatch. I rushed to help it, it is still in phase of finishing hatching (I left a small piece of shell). I hope it will make it. the other 4 are hidden in their mummy's fluff.

I saw some white/yellow feathers around the chick's eyes but I do hope it is not too much. the belly is yellowish and the tips of the wings too.
I use a killing cone for butcher. My DH made ours from some traffic cones, cheaper than the metal ones by far. He cut the narrow tops off so the heads could hang down. We made brackets and the wide base of the cone would rest on the brackets. You put the bird in upside down as soon as you catch him. He will relax as the blood rushes to his head, and he will fall asleep. Once he passes out, grasp his head firmly, pull it down to expose neck, then slice the jugular arteries. Fast bleedout. The cone contains struggling. The bird is completely relaxed when you do it. Love the cone.
2 chicks, 3 still hatching, 1 I heard knocking and I left alone all of them at the moment. I hope there is a chick in the last one too.

I have noticed that marans eggs don't have a humidity problem. they hatch fast.

maybe the araucana's egg problem is that those were pullets eggs. I didn't have any hen's eggs so I put what I had.
2 chicks, 3 still hatching, 1 I heard knocking and I left alone all of them at the moment. I hope there is a chick in the last one too.

I have noticed that marans eggs don't have a humidity problem. they hatch fast.

maybe the araucana's egg problem is that those were pullets eggs. I didn't have any hen's eggs so I put what I had.

I m so happy for you .
marans chicks from your flock at last . BRAVO

marans eggs hatch better under a broody hen .

some photos when they are out running around with they mama .

Chooks man
I use a killing cone for butcher. My DH made ours from some traffic cones, cheaper than the metal ones by far. He cut the narrow tops off so the heads could hang down. We made brackets and the wide base of the cone would rest on the brackets. You put the bird in upside down as soon as you catch him. He will relax as the blood rushes to his head, and he will fall asleep. Once he passes out, grasp his head firmly, pull it down to expose neck, then slice the jugular arteries. Fast bleedout. The cone contains struggling. The bird is completely relaxed when you do it. Love the cone.

I do the same thing .
it is easier with a come .

chooks man
I didn't start out by kicking him. He was my sweetheart, and I treated him like a prince. I dunno, maybe that was the problem when he first attacked. I'd just been hand-feeding him, then I stood up, turned around, and he came at me. I was completely stunned, as I'd never seen an ounce of aggression in him before. I thought maybe I'd startled him or something, so I let it go. After that, he wouldn't let me pick him up at all, or even come near him, without trying to attack. At first it was just half-hearted attempts to peck at my boots, but lately, he's been slashing at me with his spurs. I have to kick him back just to get in the pen to change the water. He's out for blood, and today, he got a lot of it.

the roosters believe in order . they are a boss in they pen with they ladies .

so if you want to keep a rooster calm for as long as you have him ,you have to be his boss not his friend . they do not understand friendship without order .

I notice some of the roosters I bought start to get a little cranky with me at the end of last breeding season .
ones I finished the breeding and I grouped all the roosters in one large pen ,the new ones find them selves among a lot rooster meaner than them selves ,So they become calm .they realized I m a boss . when I go into they pen to feed them or do some thing else ,they all clear a way
when I feed them in the morning .I ll fill the feeders but I don t let them eat for at least 5 min. just a routine .So they don t forget I m the boss.
they do it to each other any way .the dominant one SAMIR eat first .he clam the feeder for him self .ones he is done he move and 2 one take his place.

chooks man
the roosters believe in order . they are a boss in they pen with they ladies .

so if you want to keep a rooster calm for as long as you have him ,you have to be his boss not his friend . they do not understand friendship without order .

I notice some of the roosters I bought start to get a little cranky with me at the end of last breeding season .
ones I finished the breeding and I grouped all the roosters in one large pen ,the new ones find them selves among a lot rooster meaner than them selves ,So they become calm .they realized I m a boss . when I go into they pen to feed them or do some thing else ,they all clear a way
when I feed them in the morning .I ll fill the feeders but I don t let them eat for at least 5 min. just a routine .So they don t forget I m the boss.
they do it to each other any way .the dominant one SAMIR eat first .he clam the feeder for him self .ones he is done he move and 2 one take his place.

chooks man

my experience is totally different. my roos don't doubt I am a boss. I do nothing about that.

if I saw well 5 marans should have hatched, 1 has just started and there is 1 I don't know what is going on. I tried to candle it but saw just the air cell. I put it back and wait.

I saw 2 chicks only. 1 might be a pullet, another one I suspect a cockerel as it seems that the comb starts on the nares. maybe I didn't see well. that chick has less white feathers than the other one.
poor broody cannot sit any more and there is 1 cracked egg, chick not ready to get out and 1 egg that might not hatch at all. I put both eggs under other broody and gave food and water to the broody and chicks. only 3 chicks are eating: yesterday's araucana cockerel (I think), 1st marans hatched probably at night and one of the last hatched marans, lol. that little chick is very dark and it still cannot sit up properly but can eat properly! than stays to sleep on feed. it goes: sleep-eat-sleep-eat...

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