International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


@Bl Copper Maran

sorry I forgot to say .if you breeding to the US SOP than you have to down size the comb point .
US SOP call for 5 balanced points ,
in FR SOP the points number is not important as long as they are balanced like in your cockerel comb .well balanced points all the long the length of the comb.

chooks man

@Bl Copper Maran

this pullet is stunning love every thing about her ,sublime bird . shame I can see her eyes .
she has a correct amount of feathers on her feet .
love her deep and wide chest .correct black plumage type and colour.
need to see her comb and eyes?

you said you bred those chooks? from your stock? BRAVO
you have a high class marans . you have done well . I m really impressed .

chooks man

@Bl Copper Maran

Ah Shazia . she has a correct tail type for the US SOP . square type .
it is accepted as well in France . as long as is not split open at the top .

so are you go .you have both type of tails .FR SOP and US SOP .Lucky you .

problem I see with Shazia is her shanks a maximum feathering .you can over that .
she will soot the cockerel very well ,because he s lucking some feathers on his shanks .

chooks man
We didn’t realize our birds were such a nice quality until we came here. They started out a few years ago as those pretty eggs on Pinterest, then they were a fun project for my mom and I to try and hatch, and then...
well ya know, they were addicting chickens haha.
Now we’re here.
We are really greatful for you all![/QUOTE

they are well bred .and you have done well with them .

focus on the combs . you have all what you need to do that .

chooks man
(Name Change :D)
Ok. Looks like the young roo will be getting a breeding pen to himself next month!
Focus on good tails, which I think he will do fine with. He seems to have a nice tail.
Focus on feet, the maximum amount of feathers being like Shazia.
Focus on combs, not too many points (5) on the boys, do you know how many for the hens or is it not as strict?
Try for clean, bright eyes.
And I think we’re doing ok with coloring in our birds.

I cannot wait to see the offspring from Shazia and this cockerel. I’ll search for a fitting name.
What do you all use for lice in chickens? I was told ivermectin. Then I read it won't work because chicken lice are not biting lice. Any input is needed. Thank you all in advance.

I use Diatomaceous earth .
I dust them with it .
I put some of it in they dust bath holes ,
I sprinkle some of it in they nesting boxes .roost bars ,budding and around the hens houses .
I mix it with they mush to worm them as well . one s a month.
very handy thing to have .
it is the only thing I use .very effective and natural .
I buy the food grade brand . 1 bag of 14 kg cover me for a year .

chooks man

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