International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I was being sarcastic when I said chickens have evolved. But in reality they have over many many years. Table scraps and bread is not a “complete feed”. That “meal plan” is just plain old being a cheap ***. Also not likely to be someone that looks after them either.

table scraps and bread + free range all day probably would be complete.
if there are enough people who raise 1 breed or like you, a lot of space and possibility of raising a great number of chickens, it is ok to follow the sop. but with 5-6 chickens if you cannot bring new blood evrey 3-4 years you end up inbreeding and loosing the flock. that is the problem here. when they bring new roos there is no way to follow any sop.

there is 2 type of Standard .
1= is the SOP of established breed . made by group of peoples who share a same vision .

2 = chooks keeper Standard { many chooks people do no have } . some they have a layer flock . other have a mix flock ,some just breed to multiply chooks .
let talk about the person with a layer flock . they always want to keep the best layer and get ready of the bad layer . SO that is they standard .
the person who breed a dual purpose breed . they always looking for a bigger and a good layer . they will get ready of the small ones and a bad layer .SO that is they standard .personal Standard.

the group who multiply chooks have no rules every thing goes hen + rooster = chicks . .no such thing is a standard . if you ask them why they are doing it ,they will say they love chooks .all different coulors and sizes .

chooks man




More eggs from the 3 pullets I am cleaning out. Very happy with their color. The blue copper's egg shape could be better but it is getting better with each generation. The blue copper line started with females that laid kindof elongated eggs.


Top left is from yellow band.
Top right from blue copper
Bottom two from 004.

They'll go in with their assigned males this weekend. :)
Note to self! Don't believe anything the local weather is saying. We where supposed to get 30 degrees last night. It was 18 degrees. Don't turn on lights to keep combs from freezing. They will stop laying when you turn lights off in spring. I only have a couple laying. I hope as it gets warmer they pick up! If it gets warmer!

I hope it gets warm soon in your neck of the woods. My free ranged layers are laying like crazy now. I think I washed like 10 or 12 dozen eggs last night! It was like 18 degrees here as well last night but it is warming up some during the day. Today it is like 50 out. I am looking forward to spring! :)
More eggs from the 3 pullets I am cleaning out. Very happy with their color. The blue copper's egg shape could be better but it is getting better with each generation. The blue copper line started with females that laid kindof elongated eggs.

View attachment 2039578

Top left is from yellow band.
Top right from blue copper
Bottom two from 004.

They'll go in with their assigned males this weekend. :)
Beautiful eggs! Dark color, round shape and spots. What not to love about them. Nice Job!

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