International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

A neighbour is offering me this young rooster (unrelated to my gene pool). Any feedback would be appreciated.
A neighbour is offering me this young rooster (unrelated to my gene pool). Any feedback would be appreciated. View attachment 2788932
personally I don't care for him. Needs more leg feathering, his eyes are really dark (should be orange or at least marbled you can work with) and that tail is very long. His tail looks like it might go higher. is his comb blade crooked or is that just how he is standing? His color hasn't finished coming in yet. His body shape may still change as he has yet to fill in. That tail may change as he is still young. However, his eyes will always be dark and likely he will always have what I am suspecting is a halo ( although I stick with the silver version, I have been paying attention).
My "2nd in command" rooster is a gentle, docile Lavender orpington. For some reason, the other day he was chasing one of my younger blue copper marans pullets around to mate. (Ive never seen him do this before, he is usually quite a gentleman.) I saw them fly over the fence, and around the barn. Later, I found her hiding inside the barn near the workshop, I put her back in general population but the next day I noticed she was limping. I didn't separate her (rookie mistake) and then yesterday I heard a commotion, came around the corner and same rooster was yanking out her neck feathers and she was running away from him. I jumped in to her rescue, but again, (DUH) I didn't separate her (or him!!) And an hour later I found feathers all over the coop- and went to look for her... he had one foot on top of her back and was pecking her neck and head and crowing to the world, proud of himself. I was so mad. He got a free short haul flight from my foot. Then he got locked up in isolation. My pullet just lay there (I thought she was a goner). It appeared her wing was broken and she was limping heavily, almost a shuffle. She is alone now in a lovely holiday pen which has no roost or anything to hurt herself on. Its been 12 hours, and she is eating and chatting to me, but Im not sure the extent of the damage. How long should I wait before inspecting her injuries, and do you give any pain killer? I have just given her scrambled egg and vitamin water along with her regular food. What are my next steps?
Also, does this mean this rooster should not ever be put back with her? I am thinking he needs to go to freezer camp, or be sold with my lavender pullets as a breeding trio. Thoughts anyone?

I sprayed the coop down with Virkon S. Now I just have to hope no other chickens are actively spreading the virus. Im sure one or two are, so it will all need to be repeated in a few weeks likely. What a mess.

On a side note- I thought I'd ask how Covid is in your area? What are your restrictions if any? Here in Ontario, masks are mandatory in stores and had sanitizing before entry, Arrows, one ways, and social distancing. But outside if you are distanced no masks. I think most people over 12 are getting vaccinated - many are fully vaccinated. What's it like where you are?
Where I live people mostly ignore covid. The only place people make a fuss and we the public have to do anything meaningful is at the hospital, otherwise everything is pretty much normal. Vaccine is avaliable to those who want it, but nobody makes a big deal if you have it or not as it is considered a personal choice.

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