International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Wanted to pop in and say hey! Sorry for the hiatus from BYC. Covid was rough at the hospital where I work and I kinda put chickens on the back burner and went into survival mode with all the OT and chaos. I'm sorry I lost touch with BYC. Everything is better now that Covid has fizzled out and I wanted to get back to this forum. I don't really breed my Marans to SOP anymore. They are all just free ranging in the yard living their best lives. I hatch enough to maintain a little layer flock of Marans and that's about it. I hope all is well with you all! I've recently went BACK to school AGAIN to get my masters in nursing as a nurse practitioner, so that is tying me up quite a bit. I'm either a crazy or a glutton for punishment, or both. I've also ventured into turkey raising, so we'll see how that goes. lol

welcome back! we missed you.
Looks like Dark Angel left me a little gift before he moved on. A son with no split wing. He has a brother that is much overcolored, but this one is lovely despite his marbled eye color.

I moved the chicks out to a house yesterday. I went back out to check on them and 1 BC chick was dead. I am down to 12 chicks. There was a crack between the wood and bricks. I think the chick got close to the crack and the chickens on the other side got it. It was 100% fine a hour or so ago. Bummer for sure!
Sorry about the chick.
Well, The worming must have helped my other rooster. My husband was saying the rooster looks so much better. That his color was better. I was out this morning and seen him mount a hen. First time that I have seen this. I am out there a lot. Plus none of the hens had any feathers messed up. I know none of the eggs from that pen where fertile but I a sure he wasn't breeding them. Never even showed interest in them.

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