Internet Trolls- Where the Fairytale Ends

'Tis ok, I've been called much worse by smarter trolls than that!

I'd say it almost qualifies as a Combat Ready Troll, but really needs to refine it's technique! Rooster-red, I like your spray can!

And one final thing, "nifty" ...

The people who post on this forum may not be the most sophisticated, or holders of a PhD.

But the one thing they are entitled to is respect.

<do not flame members of BYC>

I guess that comes with the turf if you have more bandwidth than brains.

Remove my login and password.
Heehe.. me too, for once!....

Me Three, but only after I tell y'all that I wasn't invited by anyone to BYC. I found it on a Google search engine looking for designs for a new coop. I didn't even know just any ole shmo could buy eggs or chicks from a hatchery. I just always got them at the local feed store.
You are talking about respect? You have been utterly disrespectful in every post you've made today, for whatever reason. 117 posts here and you don't know who Rob/Nifty is? You are questioning everyone's educational credentials? Seems like you're trying really hard to prove to one and all that you really are a troll. Good job!

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