Intersex Welsh Harlequin


14 Years
Oct 19, 2008
Palominas, Arizona
"Rainbow" was sexed female at hatching (Metzer) but is presenting more like an immature male. (Pictured with a WH drake and hen at 5 months.) Besides the plumage, the voice is generally non-existent for the soft quack, and what I call a "deep peep" for the hard quack. In behavior, Rainbow gets chased and nipped occasionally by the drakes, and doesn't seem interested in mating (mounting or being mounted).

I'm reading up on intersex ducks and birds in general, which is interesting. Most of the cases I've read about are older hens that are either post-henopausal or had their primary ovary injured. Rainbow is 6 months old and hasn't been injured as far as I know.

Anyway, Rainbow will not be culled but will serve as my hobby farm's spokesduck at farmers markets etc.


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Looks like a dark golden hen to me. May I have a gratuitous booty shot? THe feathers above the tail may tell the tale. ;-)
The chest feathers that dark are not what you want to see and I wouldn't breed her - but it looks like you've got other gold phase in your flock as well. She's pretty and by now she's probably laying, or will start soon.

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