Introducing 2 new chickens tomorrow hopefully


May 29, 2020
Hi. So, I currently have a flock of 7. And yes, I'm sure I'll get all kinds of comments, hopefully they will remain civil and helpful as I've done a lot of research and take very good care of my flock. This is my first personal flock. It consists of 3 standard size hens, 1 bantam hen, and 3(yes 3) bantam roosters. They are all the same age...16 weeks. They have all grown up together since day 1-2 of life. They all get along well. Even the roosters so far...I know it's early though.
So, here's the deal. They're pets really... It sucks our roosters weren't hens, but you get what you get. There's a definite 1st,2nd and 3rdn command. Our main roo is the smallest, but takes charge. Second in command is my frizzle roo... Then 3rd is my quiet boy... Never crows.
I'm wanting to decrease the eventual stress on my hens by adding a couple more hopefully tomorrow! Yes, I know it's best to have a ratio of about 8:1... But this is what I can do for now. My hens aren't stressed now and are very happy. My roos never really fight either, so I'm def keeping a close eye on everyone.
Tomorrow I plan to introduce 2 silkie hens who are the same age as all my flock. I chose this breed mostly because I feel my frizzle needs "ground friends" as he can't fly up to the same places as the others... He's alone grounded a lot. But definitely very social etc when everyone's on the ground too! These 2 hens I'm getting have hatched together etc. They hang out together according to the owner. So I'm hoping even if some of my flock doesn't accept them right away, they'll have each other.
I plan on keeping new hens in a dog crate in the chicken yard so the existing can meet them. Then introducing slowly etc as I've read.
Finally, my main question lol. Has anyone had experiences like this introducing with multiple roosters etc? Obviously, I'll be hanging out making sure things go ok, but should I introduce them to 1 roo at a time once I let them out or just the whole flock at once etc? My chickens free range majority of the time... Just a side note.
I had a flock of 2 roos and 4 hens and was going to integrate 6 new pullets. I split the run between the pullets and the existing flock, and it seemed to go well. The hens were actually more aggressive then the roosters toward the pullets. Free ranging helped a lot. I would let the two flocks range together so they could interact but the pullets could run away if they needed. The roosters weren't overly aggressive to the pullets.

For yours, I would put the silkies in a dog crate for the first week so the flock can get used to them. After that, I would let them free range with the flock but have them sleep in the crate at night until the flock is completely used to them. Then they can sleep in the coop and the crate can be removed.

If your silkies have very poofy crests, you can trim the feathers around the eyes so they can see if an aggressive bird is coming, so they can run away if they need to.
I had a flock of 2 roos and 4 hens and was going to integrate 6 new pullets. I split the run between the pullets and the existing flock, and it seemed to go well. The hens were actually more aggressive then the roosters toward the pullets. Free ranging helped a lot. I would let the two flocks range together so they could interact but the pullets could run away if they needed. The roosters weren't overly aggressive to the pullets.

For yours, I would put the silkies in a dog crate for the first week so the flock can get used to them. After that, I would let them free range with the flock but have them sleep in the crate at night until the flock is completely used to them. Then they can sleep in the coop and the crate can be removed.

If your silkies have very poofy crests, you can trim the feathers around the eyes so they can see if an aggressive bird is coming, so they can run away if they need to.
Thanks so much for your help! These were my thoughts as well, so it solidifies things some!

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