Introducing a new chicken after a hawk attack


Jun 16, 2019
I had five chickens until yesterday. We originally had 3, but then we got two more because we thought one was a rooster. (She wasn't) The two new girls were Plymouth Rocks, and always hung around together. They had names in the start, but once they feathered out we couldn't tell them apart very well, so we called them the twins. However, we could tell where they were in the pecking order. We called one High Twin and the other Low Twin. One was third in the hierarchy, the other was last. Until 4 (almost 5) years later, not much has changed. Yesterday there was a hawk attack. Now we have 4. Low Twin is the last twin remaining, and as I earlier said, she isn't really friends with the other three, and hangs out alone when she isn't with high twin.

Would it be possible too get another chick, and raise it around Low Twin? Every day, they would see each other, and as they got older, free range together. (While supervised) The new chicken would see the others too, of course, but they would spend extra time with Low Twin every day. Theoretically, this would build an extra strong bond between the two chickens, and Low Twin would have a friend.

Is there a chance of this working?
I had five chickens until yesterday. We originally had 3, but then we got two more because we thought one was a rooster. (She wasn't) The two new girls were Plymouth Rocks, and always hung around together. They had names in the start, but once they feathered out we couldn't tell them apart very well, so we called them the twins. However, we could tell where they were in the pecking order. We called one High Twin and the other Low Twin. One was third in the hierarchy, the other was last. Until 4 (almost 5) years later, not much has changed. Yesterday there was a hawk attack. Now we have 4. Low Twin is the last twin remaining, and as I earlier said, she isn't really friends with the other three, and hangs out alone when she isn't with high twin.

Would it be possible too get another chick, and raise it around Low Twin? Every day, they would see each other, and as they got older, free range together. (While supervised) The new chicken would see the others too, of course, but they would spend extra time with Low Twin every day. Theoretically, this would build an extra strong bond between the two chickens, and Low Twin would have a friend.

Is there a chance of this working?
Sorry for your loss. :hugs
I would give your last remaining PBR a chance to integrate better into the flock. The pecking order is a dynamic entity. But someone is inevitably going to be the bottom rung. If not her, a different bird. As long as she is still part of the flock and not being bullied, let her find her way.
What are the other three breeds?
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Sorry for your loss. :hugs
I would give your last remaining PBR a chance to integrate better into the flock. The pecking order is a dynamic entity. But someone is inevitably going to be the bottom of the rung. If not her, a different bird. As long as she is still part of the flock and not being bullied, let her find her way.
What are the other three breeds?
Thank you. My head hen is a BSL, second in command is an EE, who is my BSL's best friend. She is pretty easy going. Then I have a RIR, who is a bit of a bully. I know that whoever is at the bottom of the pecking order will be picked on, but our red will sometimes hop up onto Low Twin's back and peck at her. She hasn't done that in a while, but last year her feet rubbed some of the feathers off low twin's wings.
If it were my group I would take the RIR out to lose her status and then reintegrate her to see if it takes her down a notch. The chick idea may not work. One chick would be lonely. And when it grows up there is no guarantee they would still be friends.

I have a hen that simply does not like most of my other hens. She prefers to do her own thing and we just let her. But also no other hens are jumping on her.
I too, say wait. They will settle this themselves.

I don't think the bond will develop between the chick and the low bird like you think. The lowest bird is often the meanest bird to any new birds. And there is a very good chance that the chick will prefer other hens.

When you do go to add chicks, I would add 3-4, just due to the age of your chickens. I would be expecting some death loss just to old age in the next year to come. Maybe not, but they are getting some age on them.

Mrs K

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